--------------------------------------------------- [Begin Tags] Def: Prostitute: receiver of swollen goods Def: Pain: Telling a Klingon his mother wears pink slippers Def: Prerogative: A sovereign's right to do wrong Def: Vasectomy: A snip in time saves nine Def: Tablet - a small table Def: Mendacious: Addicted to rhetoric Def: Once: Enough Def: Upgrade: Take old bugs out, put new bugs in Defraud the bank. Computer scam diverts assets to your account Def: Morbid - a higher offer Def: Uvula: the hangy downy thing in the back of your throat Def: Pelvis - a cousin of Elvis Def: Life: What happens while you're making other plans Def: Octopus: Two-faced person with four heads Def: Un-American: Wicked, intolerable, heathenish Def: MASTURBATE: What's used to catch very large fish Def: Patience: A surfer sitting in Walden Pond Def: Termitory: Final resting place of termites Defuse it and run like hell. - Henry. But with dignity. - Hawk Def: PEDERAST: What a statue sits on Def: Pentagon tagline: Developed at only 2 million over budget Def: Rapacity: Providence without industry The thrift of power Deja Blue: the feeling we're going to see Blue Wave tags Def: Urinalysis: The study of Pissed Off People Def: pumpkin (v.): What people in Tasmania do Def: Thesaurus: Ancient reptile with an excellent vocabulary Def: Outpatient: a person who has fainted Def: Urine: Baseball term: Opposite of Your out Def: Piracy: Commerce without its folly-swaddles, just as God made it Def: Politics: The glad hand and the marble heart Def One thought he was a wit - but he was only half right Def: Sauce: The one infallible sign of civilization and enlightenment Def: Vulgarity: The conduct of others Def: Predicament: The wage of consistency Def: Sirens: What you hear in a Japanese library Def: Scientist, n. Peeping Tom at the keyhole of eternity Def: Resolute: Obstinate in a course that we approve Dehydrated? There's always Snapple! Def: Ostrich: He runs so fast he leaves his behind behind Def: MENAGE-A-TROIS: French for where Jesus was born Deja Boo: Trick or Treater that comes back later Def: Love: To place our happiness in the happiness of another Def: Opportunist: Someone finding himself in hot water, dcides to bathe Def: Recovery room - a place to do upholstery Dehorse: I don't think, therefore I'm not Def: Tact: making a point without making an enemy Def: Recursive (r-kr-sv) adj: See 'recursive' Def: Organic: musical Def: Success: The one unpardonable sin against one's fellows Def: NAVY: Never Again Volunteer Yourself Def: Mad: Affected with a high degree of intellectual independence Def: VaporHelp: Verb; {call MicroSoft Tech Support} Def: Pocket: The cradle of motive and the grave of conscience Def: Women: (W)eird (O)bnoxious (M)ale (E)nticing (N)ymphs Def: SYSOP: The guy that is laughing at your typing Deja BooBoo:Odd feeling you've stolen "that picnic basket before." Def: TSR=Trash System Randomly Def: Shotgun wedding - a case of wife or death Def: Pathology: the intense study of paths Def: Love: Urge on the verge of merge Def: Newdos - Acronym for 'Not Exactly What The De Def: Optimist: Yugo owner installing racing slicks Def: Secretion: hiding something Def: Non-Combatant: A dead Quaker Def: Sanitary belt: a drink from a clean glass Def: Monologue: A conversation between realtor and prospect Def: Mine: Belonging to me if I can hold or seize it Def: Truce: Friendship Def: Recursion, (n): see recursion Def: Vanity: The tribute of a fool to the worth of the nearest ass Def: S/M: A postal term meaning Slow Mail Def: Patience: A minor form of despair, disguised as a virtue Def: NPO: Nothing Permitted Or else! Def: Tomato paste: what you use to fix broken tomatoes Def: Modem: Monumentally Overpriced Data Eating Machine Def: Morbid: a slightly higher bid Def: Obscene: That which gives a learned jurist an erection Def: Lottery: A tax on people who are bad at math Def: Modem: n, Monumentally Overpriced Data Eating Machine Def: Trapezius: a person who performs on the trapeze Def: TAMPAX: A small woodland tool Def: Nitrate: lower than the day rate Def: Penile: having to do with being punished Def: Love: The illusion that one man differs from another Def: Master Baiter: The ultimate in handheld fishing gear Dehydrated tagline! Just add water! Def: Poise: Ability to keep talking while other guy picks up the check Def: Tact: Describing others as they see themselves Def: Love: A temporary insanity curable by marriage Def: Time: an illusion perpetrated by the makers of space Def: Year: A period of three hundred and sixty-five disappointments Defunct Nations: by Sophie Etunion Def: Politics: Passing the buck or passing the doe Def: Politeness: The most acceptable hypocrisy Def: Philosophy: A route of many roads leading from nowhere to nothing Def. Redundancy: An air bag in Hillary Clinton's car Def: TOAD - Direction of - Turn TOAD the town Def: Predilection: The preparatory stage of disillusion Def: Misfortune: The kind of fortune that you never miss Def: unicellular:Having only one car phone [End Tags] --------------------------------------------------- Message sent by SqTool version 12 --- SQtools * Origin: -GG/W18- (2:313/37.79) --------------- FIDO MESSAGE AREA==> TOPIC: 255 TAGLINES Ref: F1300020 Date: 12/20/97 From: GOTTFRIED GIDALY Time: 07:06am \/To: ALL (Read 2 times) Subj: Taglines --------------------------------------------------- [Begin Tags] Def: Modem: A deterrent to phone solicitors Def: Meekness: Uncommon patience in planning revenge that is worthwhile Def: Profanity: A Language Computer Users Know Def: Lisp - To call a spade a thpade Def: Moral: Conforming to a local and mutable standard of right Def: THE PENIS: Mightier than the sword Def: Women: Can't live with 'em and you cant live with 'em Def: Snorkel: A cross between a snore and a chuckle Def: Please: To lay the foundation for a superstructure of imposition Def: School: Building with four walls and tomorrow inside Def: Mhz- Acronym for 'Megahurtz', meaning 'a million pains' Def: Virtual: Not knowing where your next byte is coming from Def: Resort: A place where the tired grow more tired Def: RIMJOB: Something to do with the wheels on your car Degeneration and evolution are not the same thing Def: Reconsider: To seek a justification for a decision already made Def: Reality: The dream of a mad philosopher The nucleus of a vacuum Def: Seizure - a Roman emperor Def: WAR, n A by-product of the arts of peace Def: Saint: A dead sinner revised and edited Def: Polynesia: Loss of memory in parrots Def: Love: The best medicine Def: MilliHelen: amount of beauty needed to launch one ship Def: Peace, n. A short pause in wars for enemy identification Def: Teenagers: Your punishment for enjoying sex Def: Ricochet, (n): Irish bouncer Def: Obesity: A surplus gone to waist Def: Wart-hog [n]: The result of crossing a pig with a frog Def: Psychopath: Any urban thoroughfare during rush hour Def: Political Promises: Oxymorons believed in by Democrats Def: Redundancy - an airbag in a politician's car Def: Menstrual cycle: has three wheels Def: Mausoleum: The final and funniest folly of the rich Def: Pity: A failing sense of exemption, inspired by contrast Def: NIPPLE: What fish do to your bait Def: Tourist Season - When it's OK to shoot them Def: Varicose veins: Veins that are very close together Def: TacTics: Candy For dyslexics Def: VAGINA: Medical term describing heart trouble Def: Overate, v To dine Def: Trichinosis: The pig's reply to proponents of porcophagy Def: Secretion: Something someone is hiding from you Def: Teenager: Having tunnel vision and selective hearing Def: Poker: It's darkest just before you've drawn Def: Microfiche - Sardines Defunct Nations: Sophie Etunion Def: Nunnery: Where nuns are hatched Def: Modem: Deterrent to receiving wanted and unwanted calls Def: More: The comparative degree of too much Def: Pun: The lowest form of humor, unless you thought of it first Def: War: A by-product of the arts of peace Def: Male: A member of the unconsidered, or negligible sex Def: Useless: for example, this definition Def: Worcester:Even worse than worst Def: Psychoceramics: The study of liberals Def: Paperless Office: Your stall in the bathroom Def: Supercomputer - What it sounded like before you bought it Def: Profanity: the universal programming language' Def: TESTICLES: The 8 arms of an octopus Def: Yes-men: Fellows who hang around the man nobody noes Def: Year: A period of 365 failures and disappointments Def: Obscenity: Whatever gives the judge an erection Def: Learning: The kind of ignorance distinguishing the studious Def: Pest: A friend in need Def: Subway: A place so crowded even all men can't get seats Deja Boo! (Son of Casper?) Def: Wedgewood:Golf cluba cross between a 9-iron & a driver Def'n: Soldier; someone who sleeps in the mud and likes it Def: Lymes: I like them in my Tom Collins Deja Borg: A feeling you've read that Borg tagline before Def: Optimist: Someone who doesn't know all the facts yet Degeneration - rationing degenerates Def: Upgrade: Take old bugs out, put new ones in Def: MENSTRUAL CYCLE: Vehicle having three or less wheels Def: Positive: Mistaken at the top of one's voice Def: Urine: Baseball term: Opposite of You're out Deja Borg-A feeling that you saw that flying cube before Def: Oboe: British tramp Def: Paperweights: The only way to keep bills down Def: Psychiatry: The care of the Id by the Odd Def: Love: Two minds without a single thought -Philip Barry Deftly, DaFtLy, @TOFIRST@ Strikes again! Def: Purranoia - The fear your cat is up to something Def: Tunar: Sonar-like device in cat food that causes cats to appear Def: Pants: Trousers' country cousins Def: Lipogenesis: references to fat in the bible Def: Persist: The greatest effort's not enough Def: SIXTY-NINER: A fottball player from the US Def: Modem: A great deterrent to phone solicitors Def: Sysop ('sih sop) n: The guy laughing at your Access level Def: Misfortune: The kind of fortune that never misses Deity for hire, inquire within Def: Spongecake: Dessert made of borrowed ingredients Def: Umbilical cord: part of a parachute Def: Living: The best demonstration of victory over mortality Def: Take: To acquire, frequently by force but preferably by stealth Def: Megabyte- A nine course dinner Def: November: The eleventh twelfth of a weariness Def: WATERSPORTS: Swimming, surfing, canoeing, etc Def: Preposition, n; a poor word to end a sentence with [End Tags] --------------------------------------------------- Message sent by SqTool version 12 --- SQtools * Origin: -GG/W18- (2:313/37.79) --------------- FIDO MESSAGE AREA==> TOPIC: 255 TAGLINES Ref: F1300021 Date: 12/20/97 From: GOTTFRIED GIDALY Time: 07:06am \/To: ALL (Read 2 times) Subj: Taglines --------------------------------------------------- [Begin Tags] Def: Menu: List of dishes which the restaurant has run out of Deja BooBoo: The feeling you've stolen this picnic basket before Def: Windows 31: The best $89 solitare game you can buy Def: Mazel ton:Lots of luck Def: THREESOME: Short for Thirty-something Def: Politics: A parasite that bothers parrots Def: Rascal: A fool considered under another aspect Def: Virtues: Certain abstentions Def: velocipede:Very fast, many-legged creature Def: Node - was aware of Def: Porcupine: Non-Kosher variety of coniferous tree Def: Time: a true supply-and-demand problem! Def: Sinner: A stupid person who gets found out Def: Twice: Once too often Def: Mental floss prevents moral decay Def: Shin: Body part used to find furniture in the dark Def: Wench: A device used for loosening nuts Def: VAGINA: A city in Saskatchewan Def: There are three sexes; males, females and girls Def: Love: Two vowels, two consonants, two fools Def: Megadeth: Rock group apparently ignorant of the term oxymoron Def: Prejudice: A vagrant opinion without visible means of support Def: Vanity: n The tribute of a fool to the worth of the nearest ass Deja blue: the feeling you've had too many blueberries Def: Wedding: A funeral where you smell your own flowers Def: MISSIONARY POSITION: What Catholics assume while confessing Def: Navigator: Spouse on a trip in the car, with road map in her lap Def: Politics: When one makes a decision that involves others Def: Lawyers: The larval form of a politician Def: Pleasure: The least hateful form of dejection Def: Scouting - fun for all! Def: Sumo Wrestling: Survival of the fattest Def: Selfish: Devoid of consideration for the selfishness of others Def: Loser: Guy who plays Monopoly and is mugged on Boardwalk Def: Poor Man: One who has nothing but money Def. RAM: What you do to the side of your PC when it's no Def: Volkswagon: A transistorized Mercedes Benz Def: Nanosecond: Used to measure a Womans attention span Deity... he's come for me Def: Slut: Someone who gets more sex than you do Def: Toucan: Two-seater outhouse Def: Politically Correct - Pithed American Def: Tact: Recalling a lady's birthday but forgetting her age Def: Tumor: an extra pair Def: Lesbianage: Gay female spys Def: Politics: The most promising of all careers Def: Math Chip- A piece of a broken abacus Def: LESBIAN: A person from the Middle East Def: Political Promises: Oxymorons believed in by Liberals Def: Otherwise: No better Def: Windows 3.1 - An 80486 to XT Conversion Kit Def: Polyclinic: Hospital for sick parakeets Def: Macro: The last half of an expression of surprise: Holy Macro Def: ruthless:The Boston Red Sox after 1919 Def: Urine: opposite of you're out Def: SAST: (S)ysops (A)gainst (S)tupid (T)aglines Def: Rumor: A favorite weapon of the assassins of character Def: Paranoia: Believing this tagline is about you Def: Praise: What you receive when you are no longer alive Def: User (n): technical term used by programmers: see idiot Def Politically Correct - Human with spine removed Def: Polaroid: What a polar bear gets from sitting on ice Dehydrated Spam - Just add animal guts Def: Misteaching: Telling one's grandmother how to suck eggs Def: Poverty: A file provided for the teeth of the rats of reform Def: Toad: What happens to an illegally parked frog Deja BooBoo: An odd feeling you've stolen "that picnic basket" before Def: Love: A grave mental disease Def: Rotisserie: A Ferris wheel for chickens Deftly, DaFtLy, Orville Strikes again! Def: Vulva: a boxy, Swedish automobile Def: Windows 31: Just another pane in the glass Deghmey? Deghmey DIghajnISbe' maH jay'! - Klingon Probverb Def: Snowbank: An Eskimo lending institution Def: Really: Apparently Def: Politically Correct: Euphemism for censorship Def: Yawn: The only time some men get to open their mouths Def: Radiologist: a doctor with an interest in radios Def: LIBIDO: A prescription tranquiliser Def: Reputation: What others are not thinking about you Def: Optimist: Stands behind 6 teens at a phone booth Def: Monday: In Christian countries, the day after the baseball game Def: Prediction: You are reading messages right now Def: Minor: Less objectionable Def: Pitchfork (n): Used to unload dead babies from boxcars Def: Sysop (sih' sawp): The person watching you leech files Def: Lorena Bobbitt: She's got his whole gland in her Def: Monarchical Government: Government Def: Volkswagen: A transistorized Mercedes Benz Deja Boo: The feeling that you're really sorry you're there Def: Toddler: An indoor tornado Def: Self-evident: Evident to one's self and to nobody else Def: Metropolis: A stronghold of provincialism Def: Versicle: Eskimo poem Def: Vein - conceited Def: Rectotomy: what the surgeon REALLY did to me Def: Paranoia: Not just an attittude but a way of life Def: Religion: Myth-information Def: Nuclear medicine: medicine practiced at 3-Mile Island Def: Splint -- A quick run in Tokyo [End Tags] --------------------------------------------------- Message sent by SqTool version 12 --- SQtools * Origin: -GG/W18- (2:313/37.79) --------------- FIDO MESSAGE AREA==> TOPIC: 255 TAGLINES Ref: F1300022 Date: 12/22/97 From: GOTTFRIED GIDALY Time: 09:59pm \/To: ALL (Read 2 times) Subj: Taglines --------------------------------------------------- [Begin Tags] Diagnostics are the programs that run when nothing else will Dergo - You've done this before? Dialing long distance wears me out Describe your relationship with your mother. -- Dr. Servo Derogatory term of the 90's: "What a Clinton!" Der-getta-furta-ratta-arra!! -- Homer Dial 1-800-WAAAAAH! Destroy this tagline after reading Der er kun s meget som der nu er... Spis din rt!!! Diamond: a lump of coal that made good under pressure Destroy the Borg? Give 'em WINDOWS ! Designing grand concepts is fun; finding nitty little bugs is just work. - Brooks, p.8 Diamond jubilee - The last installment paid on the engagement ring Diarrhea CHA-CHA-CHA! Diarhhea CHA-CHA-CHA! Department of redundancy department.. Jo-Jo speaking Despise not prophesyings. - 1 Thessalonians 5:20 Destroy what's below and what's above will follow. -- Rumble Denny: Just what's around the keg Detonate the nuclear family! Dense: What your car gets no matter how carefull you are Diane Duane - official hero of the Rihannsu Star Empire Desqview vs. Windows is a no-Win situation Dexter Riley for President! Destroy all evidence that you tried Denver: it's illegal to lend your vacuum cleaner to your neighbor Dexdoesn't CARE about us anymore????????????--Amy Dianetics : The Science of Selling Books Destabilize - To take the horse out for a trot Dialects, dialectas,... !Fue PUCHA, Me vuelve loco! Design flaws travel in herds DesCartes gets mean: Flameo ergo cum Device $ not found: A)bort, R)efinance, D)eclare bankruptcy Dicot: Henbit, Knotweed, Lambsquarters, Lespedeza, Lippia (Matchweed) Despite my car having Windows, I'd rather fly with OS/2 Detailed instructions are the death of initiative Dentists are happiest when they're down in the mouth Dianne, I have in my hand a box of chocolate bunnies Det tyckker: sepitt Dentures. I lost my pearlies in the war. -- Ed Wood Dials. Buttons. Switches. -- Tom Servo Destined to be trapped in TV Movies - Tom on actor Desperate but not serious/Your kisses drive me delirious.. Adam Ant  Despite of the cost of living, it remains popular Dicot: Mallow, Oxalis, Pepperweed, Pigweed. Pineapple-Weed, Plantain Deviants arise..........(Quick hide the sheep!!!!) Desperate diseases require desperate remedies Der Barrchik rules, ok? Dew: Air that looks wet Destiny is made known silently. Dey went data way! Destroy the Borg? Upload Windows 3.1 ! Dicot: Chicory, Common Chickweed, Mouse-ear Chickweed, Cinquefoil Desire lies on the other side of repugnance Destroy the Borg? Give 'em Microsoft Windows; that'll do it! Diane, I'm holding in my hand a small box of chocolate bunnies DesqView's Upgrade Policy is good.... NOT! Desistance betides on the most physically diminutive unit of exchange Desperate for an intelligent audience he turned at last to himself Dick Brennick - Belmont, Massachusetts Dew knot trussed yore spell chequer two fined awl mistakes Dickweed, stand up & take a bow - Mike Destination Moon by Robert A. Heinlein Descent people shouldn't live here Diagonally parked in a head-on universe Dick! Your fired! Thank you Destroyed... by the Empire! Depeche Mode is French for We're Wussies. -Butthead Diane.. I don't think we're in Kansas anymore Deny them this shipment. Crusher Deny everything. --X-Files Desperado, why don't you come to your senses? Desert Twister cards suck Designed by OS(ES) Dial M for Mundane - Crow Dick Van Dyke -- SpokesModel for Nick at Nite! Deze Sorbet is van een scharrel framboos - Joepie Devo of Borg: We are not men....We are Borg Dick, I'm very, *very* dissapointed! -- The Old Man Desert Storm: Protecting American Interests Depends on the tune Dexter, I have in my hand a box of chocolate bunnies Dianne's Law: If a motel advertises itself as "modern," it isn't Dibs! I got dibs! I said it first! Devistating! Why this could kill millions! Depart from me, all ye workers of iniquity. - Psalm 6:8 Dibs on spaying it! -- Crow T. Robot Department of Redundancy Department, may I help you? Design simplicity: It was developed on a shoe-string budget Diabetics are sweet Destiny's not a matter of chance, it's a matter of choice Diamonds - the ultimate in hardware Destroy the Borg? Give them Windows 3.1 -that will do it Descartes of Borg. Prepare to be Dew knot trussed spell checquers two fined awl mistakes Dermatologist - One who makes rash statements Diarrhea is hereditary- it runs in your genes Desperation is a highly emotional state of mind. Kirk Desk: A trash can with drawers Dial randomly. You'll get our number eventually DiaMon Tog - You mean revolted [End Tags]