--------------- FIDO MESSAGE AREA==> TOPIC: 255 TAGLINES Ref: F1300016 Date: 12/19/97 From: GOTTFRIED GIDALY Time: 08:35am \/To: ALL (Read 2 times) Subj: Taglines --------------------------------------------------- [Begin Tags] Def: Genetics: Why you look like your father, or should Definition of Absolute Terror. Major Kira with PMS Define (n.) De ting you get for breaking de law Def: Enteroplex: a complex entrance Def: Elephant: A mouse built to government specifications Define the universe and give three examples Definition of a virgin: an ugly third-grader Def: DIAPHRAGM: Geometry diagram Defend our constitution, so that it can defend YOU!!! Def: Home - A place teenagers stay while the car is repaired Def: Egotist: more interested in himself than in me Def: Diode: What happens to people who don't die young Def: Irony: Giving father a billfold for Christmas Def: Fundamentalism (adj), Fund=(give cash)+amentalism (without brains) Def: Fundamentalist (n): braindead, backwoods redneck Def: Keyboard: Device used to enter errors into the computer Def: IBM: Corporate motto: I've been moved Definition of Satanic: Anything a Fundie doesn't like Def: Injury: An offense next in degree of enormity to a slight Def: IBM: Inertia Breeds Mediocrity Def: Jury: A group chosen to decide who has the best lawyer Def: Fiction: It can't hold a scandal to biography Define Oxymoron? The government is here to help you Def: Fetish - The other guys good luck piece Def: Ground Beef: A Cow With No Legs Def: Language: System of organizing/defining syntax errors Def: Innuendo: Italian for 'suppository' Def: Gambling: The sure way of getting nothing for something Def: Foramen: a club for Men Only Def: Imagination - Inspiration for a resourceful Mind Def: Cunnilinguist: one who speaks four languages Def: Infanticide: Abortion in the fourth trimester Def: Floating Control: A characteristic exhibited when you have to go to Def: Diplomacy: Saying Nice Doggie until you find a stick Def: Eclamptic: an 'E' shaped tool used in woodworking Define Sysop = God Reality = Null Def: Keyboard: Hardware used to enter errors into a computer Def: Free radical: an extremist who has escaped from jail Def: Experience: what you get when you don't get what you want Def: Congenital: Adjective synonymous to friendly Definition of heaven? - alone with Dax playing connect-her-dots Def: Hatchet: A young axe, known among Indians as a Thomashawk Def: Floppy Joe: Home Computer addict Def: Define: De ting you get for breaking de law Def: FETISH: A kind of cheese made from goat milk Def: Kilohertz: Mortal injuries Def: Irony: God gave the tortoise a drag factor of .03 Def: Contraceptives: To be used on all conceivable occasions Def: Hippocratic oath: swearing by hippos Defend the right to keep and arm bears! Def: GiGo - Garbage in garbage out Defeat of a Lion Tamer by Claude Bottom Def: Labor: One of the processes by which A acquires property for B Def: Expert: Some unknown drip under pressure Defining and analyzing humour, pastime of the humourless Definition of APPLE: Garages' garbage Def: Hangnail: A place to hang your coat and hat upon entering Def: DOMINATRIX: A type of food processor Def: Farfignewton: The cookie of the stars Def: KOTEX: Radio station in Konte, Texas Def: Joystick: A peripheral intended for use only by consenting adults Def: Dyslexia: it can warn without striking! Def: Coward: One who in thinks with his legs Def: Criminal: The poor guy who gets caught Def: Hangover: The mourning after the night before Def: DEEP THROAT: Something to do with carburators Def: Hero-worship: Idol gossip Def: Genes: come in stone washed or plain blue Def: Dachshund: Half a dog high by a dog and a half long Definition of juggling: Schizophrenic playing catch Def: HOMO: What black kids call each other in The `Hood Def: Egotist: a person of low taste more interested in himself than me Definition: Virgin -- an ugly third grader Def: Klondyke: A Lesbian Eskimo Def: ERECTION: When Japanese vote for a new government Def: Incumbent: A person of the liveliest interest to the outcumbents Definition: Histamine - She owns him Def: Detour: The roughest distance between two points Def: Fhrvergngen: German for no leg room Def: Hovel: The fruit of a flower called the Palace Defeat is never fatal unless you give up Def: Fiddle - Friction of a horse's tail on a cat's entrails Definition of Upgrade: Take old bugs out, put new ones in Def: Fundamentalism: Fund=(give cash)+ amentalism (without brains) Def: Dentist: He lives from hand to mouth Define Useless = Emitter Resistor in a Cathode Follower Defination - FF 1. Frigate. 2. What happens to sailors on payday Defend your 2nd amendment rights; shoot a congressman Def: Hardware: n The part you kick Def: Duplex - Having two apartments Definition of sheer terror: Lursa and B'etor with PMS! Def: Forth - One of the top five computer languages Definitely a Rebel Deep Diving lure for early spring... -- Crow Def: Language- A system of organizing and defining syntax errors Definition of a prostitute: receiver of swollen goods Def: Genius: One who can do anything except earn a living Definite integral of 1/x evaluated from 1 to cabin: Log Cabin Def: Hope: Desire and expectation rolled into one Definition: Impotent -- Distinguished, well known Definition: Goiter - Holds your sox up [End Tags] --------------------------------------------------- Message sent by SqTool version 12 --- SQtools * Origin: -GG/W18- (2:313/37.79) --------------- FIDO MESSAGE AREA==> TOPIC: 255 TAGLINES Ref: F1300017 Date: 12/20/97 From: GOTTFRIED GIDALY Time: 07:05am \/To: ALL (Read 2 times) Subj: Taglines --------------------------------------------------- [Begin Tags] Def: Prude: A bawd hiding behind the back of her demeanor Def: Martyr: A pile of wood set on fire with a man on top Def: Radical: Anyone whose opinion differs from ours Def: Retirement: When you get a certificate of depreciation Def: SAPFU: Surpassing All Previous Foul Ups Def: Multitasking: Screwing up several things at once! Def: Paradox: A very small marina Deja BooBoo: The feeling you've screwed this up before Def: Rash: Insensible to the value of our advice Def: Sandwich: An faulty attempt to make both ends meat Def: Shin: Device for finding furniture in the dark Def: Programming: The art of debugging a blank sheet of paper Def: Varicose: Nearby Deftly, DaFtLy, @TFName Strikes again! Def: Moraine: Typical springtime weather forecast Def: Movie: Life with the dull parts left out Defy the winter months!! WEAR NOTHING!! Def: Masochist: Windows SDK programmer with a smile! Def: Testicles: found on an octopus Def: Optimist: YUGO owner with a trailer hitch Def: Laziness: Unwarranted repose of manner in a person of low degree Def: Self-esteem: An erroneous appraisement Def: Wedding rings: The world's smallest handcuffs Def: Pregnancy: A woman a swelled up over her work Def: Outpatient - a person who fainted Def: Xmas list, item #1: a 48-hour day! Def: Profanity: The language all programmers know Def: Preconception: A lock on the door of wisdom Def: Mercy: An attribute beloved of detected offenders Def: Purvey: The sound made by an overwrought Jewish cat Def: Repose: To cease from troubling Def: Your anus: the seventh planet in the solar system Def: Nitrates - cheaper than day rates Def: Unitarian: One who denies the divinity of a Trinitarian Def: ORAL SEX: Means sticking it in your ear Def: Redident: Unable to leave Def: VaporHelp: {call MicroSoft Tech Support} Deja boo: nagging feeling you've seen this bad horror movie before Def: SysGod - Lord of the Files Def: Reason: To weight probabilities in the scales of desire Degreelessness Mode is for kids who can't handle hot lead Def: Protein: Supportive of young people Deflector shields just came on, Captain Def: Truth: An ingenious compound of desirability and appearance Def: SPREAD EAGLE: A nearly extinct species of bird Def: Paradox: A very small medical group Def: Life: You peel layer after layer, you find nothing inside Def: Luxury: Costs $7.69 to make and $20.00 to market Def: Psychoceramics: the study of cracked pots Def: Omen: A sign that something will happen if nothing happens Def: Nurse! I said prick his boil! Def: SODOMY: A special type of fast growing grass Def: Pap smear - a fatherhood test Def: Microwave:Form of greeting, popular in Silicon Valley Def: Scalpel - What Indians used to do Def: Sculptor: A poor unfortunate who makes faces and busts Def. of Master: NOT THIS SYSOP!!! Def: Womb: the sound an elephant makes passing gas Def: VULVA: Yuppie car made in Sweden Def: STICK \'stik\ (n) 1: A boomerang that doesn't work Def: Syntax: Revenue enhancement on human nature Def: Outdo: To make an enemy Def: User: A harmless drudge Def: Liar: One who tells an unpleasant truth Def: Liberal (n): Anyone who disagrees with you Def: Operate: to rate an opera on a scale of 1-10 Def: Optimist: A proponent of the doctrine that black is white Def: Peccary: The place where chickens eat Def: Psychoceramics: The study of crackpots Def: Once {adv}: Enough Def: Mainframe: The biggest PC peripheral available Def: Optimist: Commodore computer salesman with a beeper Defrustration for the 90's - throwing Windows out! Def: Yugo: YUGO fast--You hit a tree--YUGO through the window! Def: Lead poisoning: getting shot Def: Orator: A two minute idea, a two hour vocabulary Def: M.A.D.D.: Modems Against Display Drivers Def: PHALLUS: Where the Queen lives, as in Buckingham Def: Medical staff - a Doctors cane Def: Node - Was aware of...I node it Def: Portuguese: A species of geese indigenous to Portugal Def: Singularity: Liberal's brain as well as beliefs Def: NO CARRIER: A Naval Aviator's worst nightmare Def: Reasonable: Accessible to the infection of our own opinions Def: Vertigo: What a tourbook tells you Def: Liar: A lawyer with a roving commission Def: Russian: A person with a Caucasian body and a Mongolian soul Def: LSD: Virtual reality without the expensive hardware! Def: Tandy: You can buy better, but you can't pay more Def: Malefactor: The chief factor in the progress of the human race Def: Organic: Church music Def: Sysop: Snooty Yuppie Sitting On Potty Def: Pedestrian: The most approachable chap in the world Def: Post-operative: a letter carrier Def: PUBIC HAIR: A breed of wild rabbit from Pueblo, Colorado Def: Optimist: A Yugo owner with a trailer hitch! Def: ORGASM: Person who accompanies the church choir Def: TAGLINES (tag'linz) - bumper stickers for EMail Def: Sauerbraten: Moody children Def: Velveeta: The cheese that cannot die! [End Tags] --------------------------------------------------- Message sent by SqTool version 12 --- SQtools * Origin: -GG/W18- (2:313/37.79) --------------- FIDO MESSAGE AREA==> TOPIC: 255 TAGLINES Ref: F1300018 Date: 12/20/97 From: GOTTFRIED GIDALY Time: 07:05am \/To: ALL (Read 2 times) Subj: Taglines --------------------------------------------------- [Begin Tags] Def: Paradox: n, that which is not a paradox Def: Macintosh: Computing as designed by Rube Goldberg Def: Truncated (v) (1993): See Bobbitt, John Def: Sternal: having to do with the back of a ship Def: Moral: Having the quality of general expediency Def: Serology: the study of English Knighthood Def: 667: Satan's neighbor Def: Venality: the study of veins Def: Women: (W)holely (O)utstanding (M)ale (E)nticing (N)ymphs Def: Tact: knowing how far to go too far Def: POLYGAMY: Baby frogs Def: Light sense: 30% less sense Def: Pie: An advance agent of the reaper whose name is Indigestion Def: Megahertz: When something is really painful Def: Reason: Propensitate of prejudice Def: Oppose: To assist with obstructions and objections Def: Vagina: a term for chest pain Def: Protein: in favor of young people Def: Vasectomy: Below the belt lobotomy for one track minds Def: Tomb: The House of Indifference Def: Postscript: The only thing of interest in some letters Def: Redneck: (n); a person whose family tree doesn't fork Def: Transvestite: A man who wants to eat, drink and be Mary Def: Political Promises: Oxymorons believed in by morons Def: Otter: Cockney weather forecast Def: Theater: Holding a mirror up to a keyhole Def: Trust: Two cannibals having oral sex Deja Blue: The feeling we're going to see Blue Poupon tags Def: OVARIES: French egg and cheese dishes Def: Redneck: someone who thinks Dom Perignon's a Mafia leader Deja BOOScared to death in a past life Def: Orthodox: An ox wearing the popular religious joke Def: Multi-tasking -- reading in the bathroom Def: Rheumatism: Disease afflicting studio apartment dwellers Def: Tact: a mutual agreement to be full of s**t! Def: PORNOGRAPHY: The business of making vinyl recordings Def: Pollytheism: The belief that God is a parrot Def: Seattle: Indian word meaning 52 degrees and raining Def: Memory Map: A sheet of paper showing location of computer store Def: Liberty: One of Imagination's most precious possessions Def: Psychoceramics: The study of liberal crackpots Def: Macro - The last half of an expression of sur Def: Reality: Crutch for people who can't read science fiction Def: Sleep - An inadequate substitute for caffeine Def: Vegetarian: Indian word for lousy hunter!!! Def: Prostitute: Someone who sleeps using the Buddy System Def: Teaching: Appearing to have known your subject forever Def: Terminal illness - getting sick at the airport Def: Sysop: The person sitting there laughing as you type! Def: Pitchfork: A device for collecting dead babies Def: Tabloid: A newspaper with a permanent crime wave Def: Peeping Tom: A perverted cat on stilts Def: Presidency: The greased pig in the field game of American politics Def: Wire Puller: (n), A seasoned 1004 programmer Def: Oxymoron: Someone who thinks all those pimple meds work! Def: Tagline (n): High technology bumper sticker Def: SCROTUM: A small planet near Uranus Def: Truthful: Dumb and illiterate Def: MENSTRUAL: A singer in medival times Def: Shortcut: Taking a quicker route to stand in a bank line Def: Rectum - dang near killed him Def: Robber: A candid man of affairs Def: Semiconductor: A part-time orchestra leader Def: PEDOPHILE: Someone who collects pedos Def: SYSOP: The guy that is laughing at yo Def: Pumpkin (v.): What people in Kentucky do Def: Phonograph: An irritating toy that restores life to dead noises Def: Mosquito: Designed by God to make flies seem better Def: Politics: Poly(many) + tics(blood sucking parasites) Def: Prehistoric: Belonging to an early period and a museum Deja Boo: The feeling you've been scared to death in a past life Def: Waiter: Unemployed actor Def: Reality: Only a concept and the home of the brave Def: Opportunist: Someone finding himself in hot water, decides to Def: Shin: A device for finding furniture in the dark Defrag: Remove fragmentation grenade pieces from 1st Lt Def: Password- The nonsense word taped to the CRT Def: Tumor: More than one Def: Sysop: Pupa stage of a Moderator Def: Programming: like building a castle with toothpicks Def: Togetherness: The ability to agree on which TV channel to watch Def: Opportunity: A favorable occasion for grasping a disappointment Def: Multitask: Choke on gum and trip simultaniously! Def: ZOO: What college dorms could look like if cleaner Def: Nanosecond - Mork's stunt man Def: Tumor: A request for an extra pair Def: Sauna (n): a nylon tent one hour after sunrise Def: Tips: Wages we pay other people's hired help Def: pumpkin (v.): What people in Kansas do Def: Positive: Being mistaken at the top of one's voice Def: SEMEN: Another word for sailors Deguerian perfect lawyer for Koresh. Both think they're GOD Def: Polygon: A missing parrot Def: Terror: A Female Klingon with PMS! Def: VIRGIN: An extinct female species Def: Skill: A long, long, long, long streak of blind luck Def: Vacation (n): Where you are when you COULD be comfortable! Def: Restaurant: An eating place that does not sell drugs Def. Smoker : 1n.DUMBASS Def: Semen: a term for sailors [End Tags] --------------------------------------------------- Message sent by SqTool version 12 --- SQtools * Origin: -GG/W18- (2:313/37.79) --------------- FIDO MESSAGE AREA==> TOPIC: 255 TAGLINES Ref: F1300019 Date: 12/20/97 From: GOTTFRIED GIDALY Time: 07:06am \/To: ALL (Read 2 times) Subj: Taglines