--------------------------------------------------- [Begin Tags] Deep Throat: You've seen things that weren't meant to be seen Def: Artery: The study of fine paintings Deep Space 9: To boldy stay where no station has stayed before Death: the final change of address Def: Apologize: To lay the foundation for a future offence Dedicated Individual Committed to Knowledge Deep space is my dwelling place; The stars my destination Deep Spawn: "Big Daddy Crab" Def: Committee: A life form with six or more legs and no brain Debate? What debate? WE AREN'T having any! We're talking Taglines! Decision-making factor, absent from brain! Def: Computer: A million morons working at the speed of light December 31, 1995: Newspapers call an end to Calvin-ball Def: Advice (noun): The smallest current coin Def: Buffer: Programmer who works in the nude Deep Space Nine: The Third Coming of Star Trek! Def: Boy: A noise with dirt on it Deep down, we're all basically shallow Def: Bride: Woman with fine prospect of happiness behind her Def: Backup - Opposite of forward Deep Thoughts, by @TO@ Def: BUGGERY: The collecting of insects Death wh - uuuurrgghhhh Def: Cat Scan. Searching for kitty Def: Acronyms: Tools for the profusion of confusion (TFTPOC) Death, pain, fire, death, pain, fire, no, no, no - Lady Ladira Def: BASIC- Beginner's All-purpose Sloppy Instruction Code Debate Conf's=Mud Wrestling for the Pedantic Decadence is a polite society Def: CIRCLE JERK: A very fat nerd Deep Space 9: To boldly stay where no one has stayed before Death: Natures was of telling you to slow down Deep in the heart of Texas o/~ Def: Antonym: The opposite of the word you're searching for Deep Throat: If a shark stops swimming it will die. Don't stop swimming Dee air ist dee air. What can be done? T'Pau Deck the halls with carbons from Visa, fa la la la la Deceive boys with toys, but men with oaths. - Shakespeare Decaff: Use it to sober up after drinking non-alcoholic beer Deck 36: Sporting goods, Engineering, Ladies langerie Def: Army food: The spoils of war Death to All Who Oppose Right to Life! Deep Sea Diving! Free of charge from ValuJet Def: Attending physician: one who attends a dinner or party Def: Barometer: Indicates what kind of weather we are having Deep Space 9 Death without pain is like a sundae without sprinkles Dedicated to the termination of programs with a large axe Declarative programmers do it productively Def: Aibohphobia n: The fear of palindromes Def: Anoid: Paying MORE for Surge-Protectors than Computer Death: The one talent that everyone shares! Deceptively smart people need to be watched. -- Duck Death, taxes ... and betas December songs I no longer sing. - Collective Soul Def: BISEXUAL: Means if you can't get it for free you buy it Def: Bacteria: Rear entrance to a cafeteria Def: Beheading: The ultimate loss of face Def: Bigamy: One wife too many Monogamy: The same idea Def: Bigamist: Italian fog Deep down inside I feel to scream. This terrible silence stops me Deception is the footrest of Politics Def: Castrate: The hotel rate for actors Def: Autobiography: Unrivalled telling truth about others Def: Baby Sitters: Girls you hire to watch your TV Death to mites that prey upon the lifeblood of my cats! Death to Kai Winn and her ilk! Deck the halls with poison ivy, Ha ha ha ha ha, ha ha ha ha! Def: Clitoris: a type of flower Deep Throat: Do you really want the answer? The ULTIMATE answer? Death: The unfortunate side effect of attacking a Dragon Decker: Doctor, you are out of line. McCoy: So are you. Sir Def: Bugless Program: see: Abstract Theoretical Concept Decker: V'ger expects and answer. [*] Kirk: I don't know the question Debate (what's on de end of de hook...) Def: ANSI: A computer user who just can't sit still Deep down I'm really shallow Death to fleas that prey upon the lifeblood of my cats! Death: Nature's way of saying the FDA was right Def: Arthritis: the new math Def: Coma: a form of punctuation Death to all moderators..AAACK!!!...W$%&x NO CARRIER Def: ASPHALT: A term meaning rectal trouble Deck us all with Boston Charley, Walla-Walla-Wash Def: Address - Type of attire worn by some female programmers Decadence with a blond is its own reward! Def: Command: A suggestion made to a computer Deep Dive Into The Middle Of The Mass Confusion Debugging: the act of introducing new errors Decadent Capitalist and proud of it! Def: Acoustic - What you play pool with Def: Collector: Person few care to see but ask to call again Def: Barium: what you do when CPR fails Debbie Gibson is pregnant with my love child Dedicated to your culinary delight Death's a bitch and then you're reincarnated Debbie Does Dallas: the rest of Texas heaves a sigh of relief Def: Bigamy: Too many wives Alimony: Same thing Deborah Kerr & Burt Lancaster - Tom as guys fight in surf Decorator Dot, at your service. - Dot [End Tags] --------------------------------------------------- Message sent by SqTool version 12 --- SQtools * Origin: -GG/W18- (2:313/37.79) --------------- FIDO MESSAGE AREA==> TOPIC: 255 TAGLINES Ref: F1300010 Date: 12/18/97 From: GOTTFRIED GIDALY Time: 09:52pm \/To: ALL (Read 2 times) Subj: Taglines --------------------------------------------------- [Begin Tags] Debugger: A tool that substitutes afterthought for forethought Deep Space Nine --- (-|-) @ --Wormhole Death: Life's way of telling you you've been fired Death to all fanatics!! screamed the fanatical redhead Def: Clinton: Why the White House should have a twit filter Decardes of Borg: I assimilate therefore I am Def: Afebrile: someone with a very low IQ Deep down, everyone's a Ferengi. - FRA #284 Def: Adult: One old enough to know better Def: Artery: the study of paintings Def: Branch - A stick used for beating Decaffienated coffee? What's the point of THAT!? Deck 36: Engineering, Sporting goods, Ladies lingerie Death takes the poor man's cow and the rich man's child. Def: Alien: (n) A Being Who Travels Great Distances To Molest Cattle Deep Space Nine: You've seen the rest; now see the best! Death: Life's way of saying you've been fired Dee dee dee telegraph! Dee dee dee someone coming in -Tom Death: To stop sinning suddenly. - Devil's Dictionary Decrease Moderator unemployment: Post off-topic messages Def: Catastrophe: 38 Years of Liberal Democrats in Congress Decaffeinated coffee? Just Say No DecptiBorg, unite! What?! Death with dignity, huh? -- Tom Servo Def: Advisor - The guy who told you how to screw up Death: To stop sinning suddenly. - Ellen Hubbard Def: Actually: Perhaps; possibly Deep Throat: We must assume we're being watched Debugging: removing bugs from software. Programming: putting them in Def: Autotransfusion: to take parts from another car Debt is one way of proving that it's possible to have less than nothing Def: Bicycle: A gay women's menstrual cycle Def: Amiga: Yesterday's technology, tomorrow Deep Space Nine...coming to a TV set near you! Decaf is to coffee drinkers, like water is to a rabid dog Def: Bachelor: A guy who has cheated a woman out of a divorce Def: Committee: A group that keeps minutes and loses hours Def: BLOWJOB: A term used by demolition experts and safecrackers Debrief: Wife listening while you talk in your sleep Def: Catfish: Breakfast of Blonde Lawyers Deckers do it with jacks Default origin line Death's Head II. Tuck. The future may never be the same again Decisions terminate panic Def: Alimony: Bounty of the mutiny Death to Naggons Death, when unnecessary, is a tragic thing. - Flint Def: Camel: A quarter horse designed by a committee Def: Autoerotic: making love in an automobile Death's too good for them, he said Def: Cajun breakfast: Blackened toast Debug! Debug! Debug! _Before_ you run it! -- Chris Smith, 1996 Death will come, but not for you. -- Walter, the Man In Black Def: AIDS: God's revenge on perverts...Clinton, Visa-Versa Def: ACLU: American Criminal's Liberties Union Debug - De ting killed wid de pressure spray Decay is inherent in all component things. Buddha-last wrds Def: Buffer: A programmer who works in the nude Decaffeinated coffee is for wimps! DecaffeinatedZfOee? But...why? Deathmask, featuring Olivia Newton John. -- Mike Nelson Deep Throat: There is truth, you old friend, if that's all you seek Decaffeinated coffee? What is the point? Def: Baby: Nine months interest on a small deposit Deathtounge lives just to SPITE Tipper Deep Space Nine: Where no one has gone before, then turn left Decaffeinated coffee table; You can't even see a difference Def: Committee: A life form with 12 stomachs and no brain Debate Circular: Ver Debate Circular Deeeeee-sgusting! - Dot Def: BBS: Busted Broke SysOp Now you know what it *REALLY* means!! Decisions, Listen to Rush Limbaugh or read my E-mail? Def: Belly Button Surgery: a belly button transplant Def: Arrest: Formally to detain one accused of unusualness Decision '92: Barbara vs Hillary Def: Chirpes: n, A canarial disease, no tweetment Def: BITCH: Beautiful, Intelligent, Talented & Horny Decaf: Use it to sober up after drinking non-alcoholic beer! Deep Throat: Calling it a night, Mr Mulder? Def: B/D: A police term for burlary, theft Def: Antimony: against having money Death, taxes, software upgrade notices, Def: CLITORIS: A type of exotic flower Def: Brat: Someone else's kid that behaves like your own Death, like religion, is funny and asinine Def: COBOL- Confused Oriental Bean-cOunting Language Debug only code - comments can lie December 16, Schroeder and Beethoven both celebrate Death to the... uh... Who the hell are we fighting, anyway? Deep Throat: Always keep your friends close, Mr McGrath, Death to fleas that prey upon the lifeblood of my animals! Death to Zeon. Long live the Fatherland. Long live the Fuehrer Def: Barometer: Instrument which shows the weather we are having Def: Cemetery (n): A marble orchard you can take for granite Decker: Captain, as your exec, it is my duty to point out alternatives Def: Cartoon - A device used by papers to say what an editor dare not Decision '92 : Four more beers! Four more beers! Death to Software Pirates ! Def: Adore: To venerate expectantly Death: to stop sinning suddenly [End Tags] --------------------------------------------------- Message sent by SqTool version 12 --- SQtools * Origin: -GG/W18- (2:313/37.79) --------------- FIDO MESSAGE AREA==> TOPIC: 255 TAGLINES Ref: F1300011 Date: 12/18/97 From: GOTTFRIED GIDALY Time: 09:53pm \/To: ALL (Read 2 times) Subj: Taglines --------------------------------------------------- [Begin Tags] Death to all fanatics! Death's a bitch. Then you're reincarnated Debugging UNIX is not an option Def: Astrakhan: The covert art of observing beauty in mothers Def: Biography: One of the terrors of death Def: Camping (n): See Heat Stroke, Mud, and Insects Def: Cesarean Section: A historic district in Rome Deep Submerge! - Sailor Neptune Deep down I'm pretty superficial. - Ava Gardner Debugging--Removing bugs, Programming--Putting them in Deep Space Runabout = Old Generation Red Shirt Death takes no bribes Def: Barfingnewgen: German Car Sickness Def: Chip: One California hi-way patrolman Def: Bureaucracy: That place always in need of a laxative Decaf: Used to sober up after drinking non-alcoholic beer Decided to keep mum about OS/2. Shall we keep it that way? Deathmask! They played at my parents anniversary - Mike Deep Throat: A lie is most convincingly hidden between truth Death to the fascist insects who suck the blood of the people! Deeeee-sgusting! - Dot Death to you all! Die! Die!...oh, isn't this online games? Def: Chirpes: A canarial disease, no tweetment Def: Bulldozer: One who sleeps through a political speech Death, only, renders hope futile. - Vad Varro Def: Catheter - What the cath did to the mouse Def: Chest: a place to store sweaters and mothballs Deep in every liberal heart is a commissar yearning to be saluted Debugging Aids: Insecticides Def: Children: The most common sexually transmitted disease Deep Secrets - by Kent Tellem Def: Bronchiole: a small rodeo horse Deep Throat: Keep your enemies closer Def: Bore - A person who talks when you wish him to listen Declaration of War, the short form. Death will be a great relief. No more interviews Deep Throat: Someone is always paying attention Dec.25: Santa downed by SAM over Beruit, held hostage Def: Bachelor: Plays the field until the field comes in Deeeee-licious! - Wakko Warner Debunk - Where de cowboy sleeps, usually in debunk house Def: Cat (kat') (n): Dog with an attitude problem Deeeep ka-ka! > Al Calavicci Debate: it lures de fish Decaffienated coffee? Kinda like kissing your sister Def: Conclusion - the place where you got tired of thinking Deep red are the sunsets in mystical places Decaptitation is a proven cure for headaches Def: Baroque: When you are out of Monet Default is in desoftware! Def: Catastrophe: an award for the cat with the nicest buns? Decision levels are inverse to comprehension Death will be a great relief. No more job interviews Decapitation cures fear of death (headaches, too) Def: Catastrophe: Award given to the cat with the cutest buns Deep cutaways, no pickguard and a couple of humbuckers Death to CC! Declaring themselves wise, they became fools! Def: Coffee: Can you imagine *other* addictions w/ free refills? Death, when unnecessary, is a tragic thing. -- Flint, "Requiem for ethuselah" Death sneaks up on you as a windshield sneaks up on a bug Death to Zeon! - Melakon Death, Taxes, Borland upgrade notices Decadence with a redhead is its own reward! Decaffeinated coffee? What the hell's the POINT? Def: Alimony: Corruption of Middle English Alle ye money Def: Bit - The increment by which programmers slowly go mad Def: Coitus: a musical instrument Def: Accuracy: The vice of being right Death to the... uh... Who are we fighting this week, anyway? Deeds - Not Words! Def: Budget: A method for going broke methodically Death to all Sysops..AAACK!!!...@#$% NO CARRIER Def: COITUS: An obscure musical instrument Decrease moderator unemployment: post off-topic Deathtounge LIVES! Def: Barium: What you do with dead chemists Decibel: A southern girl one better than a nine Def: Bluewave - 40,000 Smurphs in a stadium amusing themselves Def: Computer: A device designed to speed and automate errors Def: Algol: The husband of Polygol, their missing daughter is Polygon Deep Thought at: Def: Advertisement: The most truthful part of a newspaper Decadence is its own reward Def: Bore: Deprives you of solitude w/o providing company Decriminalize freedom Deb is private stock, man! - Frank to Dr. Forrester Deep Throat: You've never been closer Decaff Coffee: Why bother??? Decaffinated coffee? What's the point of THAT!? Def: Brute: See Husband Def: Admiration: Polite recognition of self-reflection Debt Cola, it's the REAL thing Decaffeinated coffee? Why bother?!? Declare "Open Season" on Constitution Deconstructionists Deep inside the armor of a warrior is a child Deep Space 9: To boldy stay in the same place as long as possible! Def: Catscan: a hi-tech device for examining cats Death was not for him; Death was become him. - DT II Def: Chastity - The most unnatural of sexual perversions [End Tags] --------------------------------------------------- Message sent by SqTool version 12 --- SQtools * Origin: -GG/W18- (2:313/37.79) --------------- FIDO MESSAGE AREA==> TOPIC: 255 TAGLINES Ref: F1300012 Date: 12/19/97 From: GOTTFRIED GIDALY Time: 08:33am \/To: ALL (Read 2 times) Subj: Taglines --------------------------------------------------- [Begin Tags] Def: HANDJOB: Manual labour Definition of TRUST: Oral Sex with a BISMOLLIAN Def: Hers: His Defenders only... prosecutors will be violated Def: Fetus: a character on 'Gunsmoke' Def: Constrict: to build a rickety building Def: Ghost: The outward and visible sign of an inward fear Def: Kibitzer: A person with an interferiority complex Def: DESQview: Faster than a Cray (running Windows) Def: Diplomacy: The patriotic lying for one's country Definition of Fun: 2 Ducks, 1 Funnel, and a Nympho with Stamina! Definition of Jerk: See @TO@ Def: Congress: Just a few conservatives away from working Def: Hibernation -- Iceland Def: Initialize - Carving your initials on a floppy disk Def: EATING OUT: Going to Burger King Def: Hydrophobia: fear of fire hydrants Def: Dumb Blonde: A peroxymoron Def: Expert, n. One who focuses all his ignorance on one thing Def: Confusion, n: Donald Duck speaking Klingonese Definition of Terror: Klingon Woman with PMS!!! Def: Diplomacy: The Vaseline of political intercourse Def: Jugular: one who does skillful tricks of sleight of hand Defended by the letters C,O,L & T, and the numbers 4 & 5 Def: Gout: A physician's name for the rheumatism of a rich patient Define Life - A fatal,sexually transmitted disease Def: Internist: a doctor that spends all his time indoors Def: Idiotacracy: The form of government used in the U.S Def: Dog: The only popular tail-bearer Definition of Heaven, "A relation in every BDM office." Def: HYMEN: Guys who do a lot of LSD Def: GENITALS: People of non-Jewish orirgin Def: Erb's Point: somewhere North of Santa Barbara Define: De thing you get for breaking de law Def: Fixed Word Length - Four-letter words used by programmers in Def: GUI: A set of pretty pictures to amuse the illiterate Def: Cult {n}: A religion without political power Def: Hookworm: most popular bait fishing worm Define normal Def: Gross anatomy: a really ugly person Definition of a pickle: The Weed's newest plaything Def: Irregularity: Someone who comes to work late Def: Dyspepsia: someone who hates Pepsi Def: Hug: A roundabout way of expressing affection Def: Imposter: A rival aspirant to public honors Def: GANG BANG: A mass execution Definition, Fantasy Football: Dallas Cowboys Def: Farfignewton - A long way 'till the next cookie Def: Evolution: Scientists making monkeys of themselves Def: Excise: makes you tired and sweaty Def: Dilator: To delay dying Def: Hybrid: A pooled issue Definition of TRS-80: Trash-80 Def: Gifted: A blonde with a brain Defend me from my friends; I can defend myself from my enemies Definately an inferior race. - Melacon on Vulcans Def: Disk Drive - A motor for a frisbee Defeat never comes to any man, unless he admits it Def: Genealogy: Tracing descent from someone who didn't Def: FORESKIN: Against one's will (as in..foreskinably detained) Defeat never comes to a man until he admits it. Josephus Daniels Def: Flattery: Cologne water, to smell but not swallow Def: Dip - Inventor of a famous switch Def: Hozone: Where 1 sock in every load disappears to! Def: Impunity: Wealth Definition - Bachelor: A man who Mrs. nothing Def: Gore-tex: byproduct of the Texas chain saw massacre Definitely the type of woman James Bond always sought out Defeated - Chopped off at the ankles Definition - Naval Tradition: Hardest way to do something wrong! Def: CUM: What you say to your dog Definition of a squirrel's home - "A Nutcracker's Suite." Definition of a racist: a white male gun owner Def: Hearse: Death's baby-carriage Def: Lawful: Compatible with the will of a judge having jurisdiction Defend the Constitution from all enemies foreign and elected Definitiontough love: Choke chains Def: Echo: Only thing that cheats some out of the last word Def: Hurry: The dispatch of bunglers Definition of a LIBERAL: Societies version of a Computer Virus Def: Diplomacy: Lying in state Def: Genealogy - It's all relative in the end anyway Def: Florist: A petal pusher Def: ENEMA: Someone who is not your friend Def: Habit: A shackle for the free Def: Erudition: Dust shaken out of a book into an empty skull Def: Death: The longest sleep from which you will ever awaken Defeat organized crime, abolish the unconstitutional government! Define FIDONET - Dogs howling at each other around 4 AM Def: Fickleness: The iterated satiety of an enterprising affection Def: GI Series: baseball game for soldiers Def: Friend: Anyone who has the same enemies you have Definition of megahertz: great pain Def: Enough: All there is in the world if you like it Define the Universe; give three examples; be brief Def: Earth: A solid substance, much desired by the seasick Def: FEAR: False events appear real Def: Forefinger: The finger commonly used pointing out two malefactors Def: FEAR: Forget everything and run Def: IC - Understanding as in 'Oh, IC' [End Tags]