--------------- FIDO MESSAGE AREA==> TOPIC: 255 TAGLINES Ref: F1300006 Date: 12/17/97 From: GOTTFRIED GIDALY Time: 08:05pm \/To: ALL (Read 2 times) Subj: Taglines --------------------------------------------------- [Begin Tags] DV386is like democracy; not perfect but better than DOS=HIGH? Well, I guess that explains everything! DV has a KB mouse: BigFatHairy Deal! DRAF: DRAw Flowchart DTE: Decrement Telephone Extension DOS New Zealand version...KIWI.DOS Death, Destruction, Maim, and Mutilation! DWI should be changed to Driving with Intent to MURDER! Death, in itself, is nothing. -- Dryden DOS ViruScan initiated -- Windows found: Delete? (Y/y) DPN: Double Precision No-op DOS Japanese version 1...YEN.4.DOS DOS Fast version 2...MACH.DOS DR. SEUSS' LESSER-KNOWN BOOK: The Bitch Set Me Up DURAN DURAN - NO. K. NO K DOS ERROR: Please remove Kat from drive A: DREAM: Just testing my brain!! zzzzzzzzzz DOS Russian version 4...OLGA.DOS DYHA the Newfie girl who thought a 17" Viking was a sexy Scandinavian? DOS Tip : Don't use DOS Death, doom and destruction loom oops wet pants DOS=HIGHYah I just KNEW it must be on something!!! D.R.A.G.O.N.: Dangerous Reptile, Ask Good Ol' Noah! DOS Mexican version 3...SI.DOS DOS programmers can DO IT in a box (os/2 1.3) DW: Destroy World DOS dos n., Span. OS/2 DURACELL.BAT - ARCed. Sysop is shocked! DOS is your PC. Windows is your PC on drugs. Any Questions? DOS Scandanavian version 1...SAS.DOS DOTTIE called (A)bort, (R)etry, (K)ill caller? DRAMA STUDENTS do it for applause DRAM: Decrement RAM Death, doom and destruction loom... oops pic messages! Danger! DOS Mexican version 3...SENOR.DOS DOUGLAS MacARTHUR - I Shall Not Return DOS French version 2...DOS.OUI DRUMMERS do it with a better beat Death: It's not just for breakfast anymore DOUBLESPEAK ALERT! Man the battle stations! DOUBLESPEAK ALERT! DOS' Edit.com is free! Now we know we *truly* get what we pay for! DOS Rolling stone version...MOSS.DOS DUH.. Can I help it if I'm so Taglineable?? DOS is todays CP/M - Windows is tomorrows CP/M! DOS PEROT: you boot it, it decides whether it wants to run DOT.DAT not found, using DOTTY.DAT....#$&!*! NO CARRIER DRIVE NO FASTER THAN YOUR GUARDIAN ANGEL CAN FLY DOS 5.0 Yesterday's operating system, today! DOS German version 1...DER.DOS DWIMC Do What I Mean Correctly DRUMMERS do it with rhythm Death: Life's way of saying - "HEY! Your not alive anymore!" DOS Teen version 2...RAD.DOS DOS=3DHIGH? I knew it was on something DOS descriminates against the stupid and the confused DOS Error: Please remove Windows from drive C: DOS + Windows + ATM < OS/2 2.0 DOS Video version...DOS.MTV DOS Dyslexic version...SOD.DOS DS Southern Pines, NC Death. Death. Death Death, destroyer of worlds. I have come for you...opps, wrong person DOS PEROT: You boot it, it decides whether or not it wants to run DOS Television version...DOS.UHF DSS.."The Wonder Dish"..I wonder how I got talked into buying this? Death! I'm talking about death and NICK IS STILL IN THERE! - Frannie DOS "1984" version...DOS.DOS DRBA: Deposit Round-off in my Bank Account DUCT TAPE has a Dark Side, a Light Side, & binds the universe together DOS Financial version...$DOS.00 Death, be not proud DOS = DOS Tags DOS Idiot's version 5...DODO.DOS DOS Stutter version...D-D-D-DOS Death? Life? I never did understand Zen Death, doom and destruction loom ... Oops wet pants..<-Crazy beserker!:) DS9: Last dilithium stop for the next 4 galaxies! DOS: White bread * Mac: White bread and gravy * Amiga: purple mushrooms Death, destruction, and catastrophe loom, Have A Nice Day! DOS Macintosh version 4...DOS.INTOSH DSO: Do Something or Other DOS: o2 * Mac: Co2 * Amiga: H2So4 DOS is just an operating system that tries to run WINDows 3.x DTB: Destructively Test Bit DOS Scientific version...DOS.e.log10 DR DOS, where MS DOS goes to find what she is lacking DSP. one before.. ESP !!! DOS=High, like we didn't already know that DUNGEON MASTERS do it in ways contrary to the laws of physics DTITS: Don't take it too serious DS9 - To Boldly Sit Where No One Has Sat Before DUCT TAPE ha sDark and Light Sides and binds the universe together DSN: Last dilithium stop for the next 4 galaxies! DOS to DOS, disk to disk, file to file DOS Doctorate version...DOS.PHD DS9: Boldly sitting where no one has sat before DOS- Venerable. Windows- Vulnerable. OS/2- Viable, Valuable,etc DOS VI: The Wrath of Con DOS German version 4...DOS.ACH DUCK SEASON! RABBIT SEASON! RABBIT SEASON! DUCK SEASON! FIRE! [End Tags] --------------------------------------------------- Message sent by SqTool version 12 --- SQtools * Origin: -GG/W18- (2:313/37.79) --------------- FIDO MESSAGE AREA==> TOPIC: 255 TAGLINES Ref: F1300007 Date: 12/18/97 From: GOTTFRIED GIDALY Time: 09:51pm \/To: ALL (Read 2 times) Subj: Taglines --------------------------------------------------- [Begin Tags] Def: Celibacy: The ultimate safe sex Def: Canonicals: The motley worn by Jesters of the Court of Heaven Def: Booster: seat given to small children Deep Space Nine: I'll leave the light on for you Def: Bureaucrat (n): A person who cuts red tape sideways Def: Bedpan: larger than a pie pan Debin - My complaint was registered first Def: Bimbobble: A blonde playing catch Def: Coding - An addictive drug Deceit in the conduct of war outweighs valor and is worthy of merit Deer in the Headlights again? Death takes its toll. Please have exact change ready Def: Colic: A sheepdog that is part collie Deep down, everyone's a Ferengi Deck 36: Sporting goods, Engineering, Ladies' lingerie; going UP! Deep down, @FN@'s a jerk. :) Deep Throat: TRUST NO ONE Def: After-math [n]: The period following algebra Def: Abortion: Loves Labor Lost Def: Array - A blast from a CRT Decisions...listen to Rush or read my Rush E-mail? Def: Acoustic: What you shoot pool with Def: Barium What you do if CPR fails Deep Space Nine; we'll leave the light on Debts follow the person of the debtor Deep Thoughs..... With Jack Handey Death's a bitch, then you reincarnate! Deep Throat - I thought it was about giraffe. Default %JH3 Taglines Def: Arnoldism: Can you open this jar of olives for me Def: Cancer - The cure for smoking Decidedly *un*-bold-- Dr. Forrester Def: CLIMAX: A large woodland tool Def: Colorectal: an officer in the military Debby Does Dallas, "A busy girl that Debbie, isn't she?" Dec.25th. "Cat-a-Claus" is coming--Ho Ho Ho!!! Death to you all! Die! Die! ...oh, sorry, isn't this online games? Def: Bacteria: The only culture some people have Deck us all with Boston Charlie -- Pogo Deep Space 9: outpost to the final frontier or last stop to nowhere? Default is desoftware Def: Baptism: A kind of damp bar mitzvah Def: Bankrupture: A Fiscal Hernia Debugging utility: Bang forehead here -- |x| Decaff? No, it's dangerous to dilute my caffeine stream Death, taxes, and SD40-2s all inescapable! Def: Advertising: Telling lies to attract shoplifters Death: think of it as leaving early to avoid the rush Death: Unfortunate side effect of attacking a woman armed with a gun Deep in your Heart, You know you Like Windows! Dee Dee Myers. Not a nickname. Her parents actually named her Dee Dee Decomposed lambs make terrible house pets Debate Conferences: Mud wrestling for the pedantic Def: Acetone: What you do in exercise class Deep Space Nine: ...To boldly stay where none have stayed before Decapitate your Christmas turkeys. A mind is a terrible thing to baste Decadent rodent, we will bury you Dedicated to the proposition that all men are created equal Deep Space Nine: To boldly stay where no one has stayed before Deep Throat: Mr. Mulder, they've been here for a long long time Def: Army Axiom: Any order that can be misunderstood has Def: Breast fed - A female FBI agent Def: Chestnuts: a painful, embarrassing condition Deep down, @TOFIRST@'s a jerk. :) Dedicated to the fine art of PROCRASTINATION Debbie Does Dallas...and the rest of Texas heaves a sigh of relief Deb is private stock, man! -- TV's Frank Def: Bachelor: One who is footloose & fiance free! Decay, inherent in all component things. Buddha-last words Deep Space Nine looks like a steering wheel Def: Astronomy: The anatomy and physiology of our universe Debate is the death of conversation Def: BOAT - Purchase - Chester BOAT a new tractor Decaffienated coffee? Just Say No Decaffeinated coffee is like kissing your sibling Deep Throat: Precisely Death sucks. --MST3K Dedicated Word Processor: A secretary who stays after five Debbie Does The Borg!!!! YIPE!!!! Def: Antipathy: The sentiment inspired by one's friend's friend Death sucks! -- Jim Dial Deedee, will you help your grandfather? - Dexter's Mom (DL) Death seems to be a more salable commodity than life Deathtongue Live: Billy and the Boingers Debug: (verb) placing shoe leather firmly upon an insect Death: Natures way of saying, Gotcha! Deep Throat: That is not an option, Mr. Mulder Death to the despicable anti-intellectuals. Death Def: Black Widow: an elderly, black woman, whose husband died Def: Alien: A Being Who Travels Great Distances To Molest Cattle Deep in the Heart of Dixie Deep Space 9 -- (-|-) @ -- Wormhole Deck the halls, I'm young again, I'm you again - Tori Amos Deceive boys with toys, but men with oaths Death to the Black Lectroids! Debt reduction, What about it? - Bill Clinton Default %JH3 recipes Deep down, we are more like than unlike humans. -- Skids Deep Space Nine looks like a Klingon steering wheel Death will not release you!! [End Tags] --------------------------------------------------- Message sent by SqTool version 12 --- SQtools * Origin: -GG/W18- (2:313/37.79) --------------- FIDO MESSAGE AREA==> TOPIC: 255 TAGLINES Ref: F1300008 Date: 12/18/97 From: GOTTFRIED GIDALY Time: 09:52pm \/To: ALL (Read 2 times) Subj: Taglines --------------------------------------------------- [Begin Tags] Def: Bigamist: One who makes the same mistake twice Deep Space 9, Babylon 5 Def: Alcoholic: A person who drinks more than his physician Death, nature's own way of telling you to slow down Deep Throat: Something to do with carburetors Def: Computer: A device designed to drive human beings insane Def: Circular Def: see Definition, Circular Def: COITUS: Large, wily, doglike animals Def: College: Guarantee the quality of the product or return Def: Anus: Latin word denoting a period of time Deep Space Nine: The continuing story of Sisko and his kid Death should be cherished like fine wine, and to enjoy its aroma Decaffeinated coffee is like kissing a sibling Decrelation Of War: the short form Deceit, deceive, decide just what you believe Def: Angling: The name given to fishing by non-fishermen Debate politics with a fern. If you lose, refuse to water it Decided to keep mum about Windoze. Shall we keep it that way? Decaffeinated coffee? What's the point of THAT!? Default origin line? Hh, pit kohta kehitell jotain Def: Adam's Apple: the apple Eve gave to Adam Death to Winn! Holly cried as she unlocked the KWAC gates! Def: American politics: The walruses herding the oysters Def: Algebra: What the Little Mermaid wears Def: Achilles jerk: a nerd friend of Achilles Debate: What you use to hook defish Def: Bathroom scale: Something you stand on and swear at Def: Accordion: A bagpipe with pleats Def: Aibohphobia: The fear of palindromes Deep Space 9's Mission: To boldly stay where no one has stayed before! Debaters do it orally Decaffeinated coffee? Kinda like kissing your sister Dedicated to the brave men who go down to the chips in C Def: Ambivalence: Mother in law drives my Caddy over cliff Def: Armor: The kind of clothing worn whose tailor is a blacksmith Decaffeinated coffee? What's the point? Deceased and yet my mind remains Deep in the heart of New Jersey Debate: What lures de fish Death should be cherished like fine wine and enjoy its aroma Def: Bigamist: An Italian fog Death to all moderaAAACK*#(%^#% NO CARRIER Death. That's the last thing I'd ever want to do Def: Academy: A modern school where football is taught Debugging=removing bugs... Programming=installing them Deeeee-licious! - Wakko Def: Cartoons - music played in an automobile? Deep Throat: Thought we might take in a Warriors game Decaf? I'd rather drink from the dogs dish! Decaf? I'd rather drink from the tiolet bowl! Decaffienated coffee? But...why? Dedicated to the proposition that cat bathing is a martial art! Deep Space 9: the continuing story of Sisko and his Kid Def: Adam's Rib: The original bone of contention Def: BBS: A method to triple your phone bill Dedicated to better living through computers Debt and contract are of no particular place Deep Space Nine. New Season. No limits Deep inside the armor of a warrior is a child who wants to play Def: APPLE: A Piece of Pretty Lousy Equipment Decaf?! Now listen, there's no need to resort to profanity! Def: CONDOM: Apartment complex for yuppies Decaffienated coffee table; You can't even see a difference Deep down, lawyers are nice! Six feet deep down Debate conference, like the Army...lots of privates Def: Artificial Intelligence: The other guy's opinion Def: Benign: What you are after you be eight Def: Brain - the apparatus with which we think that we think Death, where is thy sting-a-ling-a-ling? Decorators do it tastefully Def: Bubble-Jet: The disaster Boeing doesn't want you to know about Def: Committee: A group that keeps minutes and wastes hours Deconstruct your myths and I'll deconstruct mine Decaffeinated coffee? What the heck's the POINT!? Death to all Sysops..AAACK!!!...W$%&x NO CARRIER Deep Thought was a Pentium; where else is 6 * 9 equal to 42? Def: Altair - A place where computers are sacrificed Def: Catalyst (n): an alphabetical list of cats Death's the most fun. That's why they save it for last Deep in my dreams and I still hear her callin'.... -Floyd Deathwalker. DEATHWALKER!! Def: Alien: (n) A Being Who Travels Great Distances To Move The World Deathmask! They played at my parents anniversary. -- Mike Nelson Death to Political Correctness- Long live Reality! Def: ANUS: Latin word for year. (Eg: Anus Domino - 1994 AD) Decaffinated coffee. What the hell's the POINT?? Def: Asphalt: Rectal trouble Deep Space 9: To boldly stay in the same place as long as possible! Def: Bill Clinton: Elmer Fudd without the grip on reality DeeJay vu...Playing the same record over and over and over and over and Def: Arising - Conflict between a man and his mattress Def: Boredom, n. What happens when we lose contact with reality Def: Barney - What happens when you feed a smurf after midnight Default is more revolutionary than ideals. Marion J. Levy, Jr Def: Cesarean Section: a district in Rome Death: the ultimate diet Deep Throat: A lie is most convincingly hidden between two truths Debate, rebate, probate - what's the diff?? Def: Belfry: The directory for .BAT files! Deck the halls, I'm young again, I'm you again [End Tags] --------------------------------------------------- Message sent by SqTool version 12 --- SQtools * Origin: -GG/W18- (2:313/37.79) --------------- FIDO MESSAGE AREA==> TOPIC: 255 TAGLINES Ref: F1300009 Date: 12/18/97 From: GOTTFRIED GIDALY Time: 09:52pm \/To: ALL (Read 2 times) Subj: Taglines