--------------------------------------------------- Message sent by SqTool version 12 --- SQtools * Origin: -GG/W18- (2:313/37.79) --------------- FIDO MESSAGE AREA==> TOPIC: 255 TAGLINES Ref: F1300003 Date: 12/17/97 From: GOTTFRIED GIDALY Time: 08:04pm \/To: ALL (Read 2 times) Subj: Taglines --------------------------------------------------- [Begin Tags] DOS = house of straw, Windows = house of twigs, OS/2 = house of bricks DOS Version 6.22...or DOS Opus 6.22, for music lovers D'you get scared to feel so much? To let somebody touch you? - SoM DOS=HIGH....I wonder what drug it's using DUOE Dried-Up Old Eunuch DOS, Windows, and OS/2: The Three Kludges D:\PROGRAMS\FAULTY\TRASH\SICKJOKE\WINDOWS> DOS Military version 1...MOS.AWOL DUNGEON MASTERS do it with dice DOS World Wide Web version...DOS.WWW DOS Macintosh version 1...NO.DOS DPS: Disable Power Supply DOSSHELL? Of course, DOS IS hell! (But WIN fires the furnace!) DUD: Do Until Dead DOS Polish version...DOS.SKY DOSSHELL... Where you go when DOSESSO is closed DOS+WIN=CRASH DOS Military version 2...DOS.GI DOS Universal version...*.DOS.* DTK - Dump to keyboard (Irish Assembler) DOS=HIGH? Hmmm... I knew it was on something DOS-O-MANIA : Root is not the book Alex Haley wrote DOS %JHS TAGLINES DOUBLE DENSITY : The permanent state of mind of the office idiot DWIT: Do What I'm Thinking DOS 6.2...from the people who brought you EDLIN! DOS memory management--a contradiction in terms DOS Fast food version 3...DOS.2.GO DUST: A protective covering for furniture DRY ICE(n):a carbon dioxymoron DSR: Detonate Status Register DREAMWARE: THEY send YOU $25 if you use it longer than 30 days DYHA the Newfie who went ice fishing and caught a 40 lb ice? DOUBLE WHITE LINES: Overtaken und Krunchen DOS 6.x and Windows 3.1 - A turtle and its shell DOS 6.x - A $49 confirmation that you need REAL utilities DUMBSYSOP ERROR - (R)estart Brain, (A)bort, (B)lush<<< DOS Fast version 1...DOS.MPH DR-DOS Windows Compressor: XDEL \WINDOWS\*.* /R /S /N /D DOS Private version...DOS.QED D'you take my point? - Vlad the Impaler DOS Scandanavian version 1...SVEN.DOS DUCKS! BIG FRIGGIN' DUCKS! BITING THE HEADS OFF NUNS! DOS ERROR: Please remove cat from drive A: DOS=HIGH, WINDOWS=DRUNK, LOGIC=OFF! DOT.EXE loaded, computer will dress up in five seconds DR. LEONARD MCCOY - I'm dead, Jim DOS Tip #17: Add DEVICE=FNGRCROS.SYS to CONFIG.SYS DO YOU REALLY WANT TO FORMAT THE C: DRIVE, OR ARE YOU DRUNK AGAIN?(Y/N) DSZ is a thrill a minute DS9: We'll leave the wormhole on for ya Death: Abnormal DANGER DANGER Computer store ahead...hide wallet DOS: The bastard child of CP/M and UNIX DOS is a boot sector virus DOS PEROT: You boot it, it decides if it wants to run DU-DU-DU-Tat's all folks! DOS: "Yes." * Mac: "Maybe." * Amiga: "What was the question?" DTVFL: Destroy Third Variable From Left DOS=Your PC; Windows=Your PC on drugs. Any questions? DOS: The last WORKING OS! DOS Yiddish version...OY!DOS DOS Discount version 2...DOS.O.RAMA DS9's Runabout Policy--Crash all you want; we'll make more! DOS has trashed all your files. Have a nice day DS MSG IS FRM AN IBM PC SO DR! DOS-O-MANIA : Reboot is not kicking your computer again DS9 Doctor: Turn me on! DOS 7.0 vs OS/2 2.1! Wait. DOS 7.1 vs OS/2 2.1! Wait. DOS 7.2 vs Death: Abnormal life condition DT%SHO: DecTape \(em Spin Hubs Opposite DOWN WITH EXCLAMATION POINTS!!!! DRT: Disconnect Random Terminal DOS Rebate version...DOS.SASE DOS Macintosh version 3...DEL*.DOS DRD: DRop Dead DTRT: Do The Right Thing DOS is just an Icon in Windows 3.1 DSZ port 13 speed 300 ha ha he he rz -ZZZZzzzzzz DOS Genius version...DOS.IQ DOS 6.0 - Everything you already have and less! Death: I could live without it DUMB TERMINAL, EH? KISS MY PARALLEL PORT! DYHA the Newfie who wanted to the dart team goalie? DRUIDS do it with animals D r u g C h e c k A h e a d * DTJ-BBS: The only BBS program endorsed by the author's mother DOSSHELL? Of course DOS is hell. -SLR DOS Jurrasic version 2...YABBA.DABBA.DOS DOS Yippes version...DOS.BMW DOS v5.0 - Resistance is useless. You will be assimilated DYSLEXICS od ti DOS users DO IT with cryptic, old-fashioned commands DOS Trek: (A)bort, (R)etry, (K)irk to enterprise! DOS is Venerable. Windows is Vulnerable. OS/2 is Viable, Valuable, DOS LISP version...DOS.TH D, what would you do without me?...Don't answer that DRACULA - Down For The Count DRAGON.OD not found. Write a new book? Y/n [_]? DOS Snob version 1...DOS.VIP DUTCH: Zalig Kerstfeest en een Gelukkig Nieukjaar [End Tags] --------------------------------------------------- Message sent by SqTool version 12 --- SQtools * Origin: -GG/W18- (2:313/37.79) --------------- FIDO MESSAGE AREA==> TOPIC: 255 TAGLINES Ref: F1300004 Date: 12/17/97 From: GOTTFRIED GIDALY Time: 08:04pm \/To: ALL (Read 2 times) Subj: Taglines --------------------------------------------------- [Begin Tags] D'you.... d'you want to come back to my place? DOS Fast food version 4...Mc.DOS DOS Medical version...DR.DOS DOS Feminist version 1...MS.DOS DOS isn't done until something will run DOS Kiddie version 2...DOS.ABC DOS Slow version...SNAIL.DOS DOS: John F. Kennedy * Mac: Richard Nixon * Amiga: Warren G. Harding DOS is just an operating system that loads Windows 3.1! DSO: Disable System Operator DOS Unix version...RM*.DOS DOS what I said, weren't you listening? DS9 Sniglet #1--obrienate (v.): To curse at a computer DOS Mexican version 2...GRINGO.DOS DU: Dump User DOS never says "EXCELLENT command or filename" DOS Russian version 2...NYET.DOS DUTY: for a Honda 'Civic Duty' DSD: Dismount System Disk DS9 is Trek; it's not a spinoff, it's just more Trek Death: Life's way of saying you can't collect any more taglines DSUIT: Do Something Utterly, Indescribably Terrible DOS: Sex with a blonde * Mac: Sex with a redhead * Amiga: Playboy DOS utilities? Naah, we got Ontario Hydro! DOS 6.0 proves we need a better operating system! DPR: Destroy PRogram DRUG DEALERS avoid big busts Deathby chocolate DOS Hippie version 3...DIG.DOS DOS US version...YANK.DOS DOS utilities? Naah, we got Ottawa Gas and Electric! DOS Macintosh version 2...DOS.NOT DRUMMERS do it with great rhythm DOS 5.0 is like Sonny Bono: it can kiss SHARE goodbye DRUIDS do it in the bushes DOS German version 2...HERR.DOS D'you suppose bigotry's a genetic predisposition? DOS means never having to live hand-to-mouse DOS=HIGH? I knew it was up to something DOS Typical user version...%#$@!.DOS DOT.EXE found, computer now incredibly cute DOS Microsoft version...DOS.ERR DSZ1119.ZIP "Look out Jack, CHUCKIE'S BACK!" Death: JUST THINK OF IT AS LEAVING EARLY TO AVOID THE RUSH DROPPED CARRIER: No longer dating the mailman DS: Deadlock System DRUGGISTS fill your prescription DR. SEUSS' LESSER-KNOWN BOOK: One Bitch, Two Bitch, Dead Bitch, Blue Bitch DOS Japanese version 2...JAL.DOS DROPPED FROM UTS is just VM's way of saying UTS is out to lunch DOS Error - Can't drive to that write DOS Tip #213-Add DEVICE=C:\EXXON.SYS to ruin your environment DPC: Decrement Program Counter DOS TIP: Wait for OS/2 DOS- Dumb Obsolete System DOS Irish version...ERIN.GO.DOS DOS Vietamese version 2...HO.CHI.DOS DOS: Missionary position * Mac: Doggy style * Amiga: Crossdressing DOS is an operating system that boots WIN3! DPC: Double Precision Crash Death: Failure to fulfill one's wellness potential DOS Neanderthal version...DOS.BC DOS: nightgown * Mac: lingerie * Amiga: flannel jammies DOS this always have to happen to me? DOS Found (D)elete, (F)ormat, (S)uicide? DS9: To boldly stay put where no one has stayed put before DSZ ha ha ho ho -oh -me -oh -my DR. DOOR-KNOB - Crow's super hero DS>... Am I crazy... Or is this tagline blinking?  DRAGONS, a lizard with indigestion DOS Error #666: Computer Possessed! Death: If an atheist is wrong, they lose everything DOS=Dumb Operating System DOS Perot: You boot it, then it decides if it will run or not! DOS for dummies? Isn't that what Windows is??? DOS 6.22 Step Up (From Nintendo?) D'you know the inventor of the flush toilet was Thomas Crapper?" - DS DR: Detach Root DOS is to OS/2 as a bicycle is to a Mack Truck DOS Party version 3...DOS.DIP DRAMS and Bill Clinton - Chips and Dip DOS Southern version...DOS.Y'ALL DUNGEON MASTERS do it whether you like it or not DOS Idiot's version 1...DOS.4.DUMMIES DOS Disco version...DOS.A.GO.GO DSZ ha slow - haaaaaah haaaaaah haaaaah! DSZ DOCUMENTATION Is An Oxymoron DOS: The thrill of VGA, the agony of DELETE DOS Trek: (A)bort, (R)etry, (B)eam me up, Scotty! DRIP - Don't Return Incumbent Politicians! DOS: Never Having to live Hand-to-Mouse DRINK CANADA DRY! Maybe you can't, but it IS fun trying! DOS French version 1...LE.DOS DOSSHELL-Where you go for gas when DOSCHEVRON is closed DOS Discount version 3...NEW&IMPROVED.DOS DSZ.DOC: Great tech-weeny ramblings, good rolling paper Death: Input past end of file error DOS: 1968 Volkswagon * Mac: 1972 Triumph Spitfire * Amiga: '32 Indian DOS is your PC. Windows is your PC on drugs. Questions? DYHA the Newfie who was so lazy he married a pregnant woman? [End Tags] --------------------------------------------------- Message sent by SqTool version 12 --- SQtools * Origin: -GG/W18- (2:313/37.79) --------------- FIDO MESSAGE AREA==> TOPIC: 255 TAGLINES Ref: F1300005 Date: 12/17/97 From: GOTTFRIED GIDALY Time: 08:05pm \/To: ALL (Read 2 times) Subj: Taglines --------------------------------------------------- [Begin Tags] DTFS: Dump Tape to Floor and Shred Death: it's an extremely inconvient disability DUMBWAITER: One who asks if the kids would care to order dessert DOS INTERNATIONAL VERSIONS D8= Your pet beaver is wearing goggles and a hard hat DOS Internet version...alt.DOS DOS Radio version...DOS.AM/FM DOTTY called (A)bort (R)etry (K)ill caller? DOS Morse Code version...DOT.DOS.DIT Death, doom and destruction loomso Have a Nice Day DRUGGISTS fill it DOS Russain version 1...DOS.CHOV DS9: To bore old worlds, to seek out no life, just sit there DOS Error: Please romove cat from drive A: DOS Idiot's version 4...DOS.HELP Death, God's way of dropping the carrier DOS Tic-tac-toe version...DOS.XXX DW> "Message for you, sir!" -- Concorde DOS Stock version 2...SEC.DOS DSZ speed 300 ha ha ha tee hee hee rz -ZZZZZZZZ DSP: Degrade System Performance DOS means Do Other Stupid DOS Quick version 1...DOS.ASAP DOS=HIGH... Yah I just KNEW it must be on somthing!!! DOS Public version...DOS.PBS DUMB BLONDE: your basic peroxymoron DOS for Dummies - Steve Wozniak DOS + Windows + Norton Utilities + Dashboard < OS/2 Warp DOS: Foreplay * Mac: Sex * Amiga: "I have a headache." DOS+Windows...The turtle and its shell DRUIDS leave no trace DOS Quick version 2... PDQ.DOS DS9 meets Moonbase Alpha: Odo and Maya - love at first ooze DRUMMERS do it with their wrists DOS Korean version...DOS.ROK DOS Legal version...DOS.ABA DOS Perot: you boot, it decides whether it wants to run DOS Hippie version 2...DOS.LSD DV + XT > DV + 386 DOV: Divide and OVerflow Death? It's like being on holiday with the Yiddish Death: Life's way of saying your dead! DST: Deadlock System Tables DOS: Doesn't Operate Steadily. A vast chasm where programs are lost D'vorkians suicide machine comes w/a lifetime warranty! DRAGON: a lizard with indigestion DOS is the wound. Windows is the scab DYDG "Die, Yuppie, Die!" Grin DOS Government version...FED.DOS DRUMMERS have faster hands DOT.EXE loaded. Attempting to act cute DOS Spanish version...LOS.DOS DUNGEON MASTERS do it to you real good DOS Idiot's version 2...EZ.DOS DOS Female version 2...MRS.DOS DOS...Windows...OS/2. An elephant is a mouse using OS/2 DUTY: for an Audi, 'Audi Duty' DSZ Super8k Xmodem-The good,the bad &the ugly DV-DT: on a Honda Civic Si DRAMA STUDENTS do it with an audience DOT! CUTENESS! ACTIVATION! - Sailor Dot DOS Snob version 2...DOS.NIMBY DTI: Do The Impossible Death? It's like being on holiday with a group of Germans DSZ port 2 speed 300 ha ha tee hee rz -ZZZZzzz DOS tells a computer what to do with itself! DOS = 386/25 Mhz + Windose !!! DOS = Doesen't Opperate Swiftly DOS Feminist version 2...DOS.NOW DOS = Doesn't Operate Swiftly DURAN _ DURAN - RIP_ RIP DOS Fraternity version...DOS.ZOO DOS German version 3...VON.DOS DeathGod's Tagline D'ya think it's legal to park here? - Pinky DROOLING: how teething babies wash their chins DO YOU REALLY WANT TO FORMAT DRIVE C:, OR ARE YOU DRUNK AGAIN? (Y\N) DRUMMERS always have hard sticks DRIVE FAILURE! Remove cat paw from Drive A: DP: Destroy Peripherals DPK: Destroy storage Protect Key DUNGEON MASTERS do it any way they feel like DOS Gang version...DOS.N.HOOD DOS Discount version 4...HOUSE.OF.DOS DOS Tip: Don't ever look at your BBS phone bill DUMB BLONDE(n): a peroxymoron? DOS Stock version 1...DOW.DOS DS9 Sniglet: imsorryodo (excl)-What you say after you step in a bucket DS9: To boldly stay where no-one has stayed before Death: it's an extremely inconvenient disability DUCK (noun): National Bird of Iraq DOS Perot: You boot it, and it decides whether to run DSN is Trek; it's not a spinoff, it's just more Trek DRY DOC: An abstemious physician DOWNLOAD: Ingesting files; feeding your computer DOS Fast food version 2...DOS.IN.A.BOX DUWL: Doubled up with laughter Death...is a drama with a begining, middle, and end. - Scully DYNAMITE.COM found. Explode computer? (Y/N) DUET: To accomplish or acheive [End Tags] --------------------------------------------------- Message sent by SqTool version 12 --- SQtools * Origin: -GG/W18- (2:313/37.79)