--------------- FIDO MESSAGE AREA==> TOPIC: 255 TAGLINES Ref: F1100011 Date: 12/28/97 From: HENDRIK DESMET Time: 12:05pm \/To: BART DEGROOTE (Read 1 times) Subj: Beavis & Butthead TAG's gezocht! Hi Bart, [--] BD> Iemand onder jullie die nog enkele collecties Beavis & Butthead Sorry Bart, but I think you've made a little mistake ;-) This is an english-spoken only area. [ *To* *All* ] Bart is asking for Beavis & Butthead tags. He also wished everyone a Happy New Year Toodeloo Bart! Hendrik Desmet <<< PGP-key via RRQ-flag in netmail >>> :_*Attention*_: From 98-01-01 #new# #pointnumber# 2:291/1928.9 ... Good fences make good neighbors ~~~ Tag-O-Matic V.13 --- Terminate 5.00/Pro * Origin: -= Albedo 0.39 =- (2:291/901.1) --------------- FIDO MESSAGE AREA==> TOPIC: 255 TAGLINES Ref: F1200000 Date: 12/28/97 From: BLANCA ALVAREZ Time: 12:58am \/To: ALL (Read 1 times) Subj: Looney Tunes Hi all! Does someone have any Looney Tunes tags? Thankyou! :) ============================================================================ N E A I | E-mail: | Blanca Alvarez. O L N | alvarezp@telnor.net | -_-;; ============================================================================ ... Bart's Blackboard: "Funny noises are not funny." --- GEcho/32 1.20/Pro * Origin: + La Conexin Mexicana -=- Your Gateway to Latin America + (4:972/4) --------------- FIDO MESSAGE AREA==> TOPIC: 255 TAGLINES Ref: F1200001 Date: 01/01/98 From: KIM LYKKEGAARD Time: 10:08pm \/To: RON MITCHELL (Read 1 times) Subj: Dupe! Hello Ron. 31 Dec 97 21:09, Ron Mitchell wrote to Kim Lykkegaard: RM> Bug report coming via Email, Kim. I have seen it - thanks. Med Venlig hilsen Kim ... Def: Female: One of the opposing, or unfair, sex --- MsgedKL 4.15 alfa 1 * Origin: Marcy killed it, Peg..... (2:235/203.26) --------------- FIDO MESSAGE AREA==> TOPIC: 255 TAGLINES Ref: F1200002 Date: 01/01/98 From: KIM LYKKEGAARD Time: 10:09pm \/To: PAUL JENKIN (Read 1 times) Subj: Dupe! Hello PAUL. 01 Jan 98 13:12, PAUL JENKIN wrote to KIM LYKKEGAARD: PJ> Cool, thanks for that, if I can avoid having to run it through 2 diff PJ> dupecheckers I will :) ,-) PJ> So all of the tags containing the specified word would be PJ> moved/copied to the other file? Ahh wellllll.... I didn't say what - i hope... You just made med look at the code, I think i just simpely drop the line i the blue air... OK not the most smart thing to do... (It will be in the original file, if you don't use the overwrite feauter) I'll make the next version put those line i the BAD-file. PJ> Can I suggest you have a switch for both moving and copying? OK I'lll put that on the list to next version. PJ> This is something I think Tag-O-Matic is lacking, I have got PJ> thousands of dupes across different files now :( well I did think about make a "global" dube check switch, soo you could check dupe i one or many file. But i didn't thourght it had any intress. PJ> Just a though, is there any possiblity that in a future version you PJ> could make it possible to do mulitiple tagfiles at once? What I mean PJ> is that you could type something like 'dupecheck *.tag' and it would PJ> cycle through all the .tag files in that directory? I'm i front of you (i hope) you should try i now .-) just enter Killdupe *.tag .-) But it wil ONLY check for dupe in one file at the time... I mean if it look at Gun.tag first it check this on for dupe, then it can look at blond.tag at it will only relate to dupes in this file. PJ> Or another way would be to give it a cfg file and put the filenames PJ> to check in that... Just do it from the command line .) PJ> I think that should keep you coding for a while HA as long as I'm in front of you ,-) PJ> P.S Thanks for the RD tags :) I hope you liked them .) Med Venlig hilsen Kim ... Don't be sexist. Pigs hate that. --- MsgedKL 4.15 alfa 1 * Origin: Marcy killed it, Peg..... (2:235/203.26) --------------- FIDO MESSAGE AREA==> TOPIC: 255 TAGLINES Ref: F1200003 Date: 01/01/98 From: IVY IVERSON Time: 05:28am \/To: JACEK PIELESZ (Read 1 times) Subj: Is this area DEAD ? :( -=> On 12-29-97 11:24, Jacek Pielesz said to All,<=- -=>"About Is this area DEAD ? :(...,"<=- JP> ***<< Hello All! >>*** Hello, Jacek; JP> Anybody here ? No, we all went out of town for New Years. :-} Seeriously, yes, there are quite a few people here, many just lurk, but stickl around and enjoy the Taglines! If you want tags on a certain subject, just ask, then stand by for a landslide. :-} JP> Cheerio, Cheerio and Happy New Year to Tienen, Belgium Ivy  Taglines keep fallin' on my head  !CAUTION! Taglines may be hazardous to your disk space! Actually it's not replying that takes time, it's choosing a tagline. AFTER HOLIDAY SALE; '97 TAGLINES AT HALF PRICE! All Taglines lead to the end ... of the message! All true wisdom is found on T-shirts and taglines. All's fair in love and Tagline appropriation! And From The Humor Tagline Dept... Any body seen my tagline...? Anything you post will be quoted & used against you in a Tagline court. Are taglines the footnotes of Reality? Borg: Official Extra-Terrestrial race of the Tagline echo. Collect all taglines series! TAGLINE NUMBER 8/10 Complaints must be able to fit in this box --> [] Computer not found! Please notify tagline! Contentsoftaglinemaysettleduringshipping. Copyright (C)1997 The Ivy Iverson School of Tagline Research! Copyright 1995 Elmer Fudd. All wights wesewved. Creating Taglines is an artform... stealing them is an obsession! Don't mind me... I'm just here for the taglines. Double, double, tagline trouble... Eat, drink and be merry, for tomorrow we tagline. EchoMail: A Tagline distribution system End of tagline file. Restart, or try something original? EOT - End of Tagline Error #0216: Tagline out of paper ERROR #5716: Unable to come up with a new tagline ERROR - Unable to insert witty tagline. HUMOR.SYS corrupted. Error 216: Tagline out of paper. Error! Tagline not found. (A)bort, (R)etry, (P)anic? Ever caught yourself reading taglines and skipping messages? Everybody: Erase the taglines that came with your reader. Excuse me, is this tagline taken? Experiencing Tagline difficulties, please stand by. Federal Law Prohibits the removal of this tag... Flirting gets you nowhere but taglines always welcome. Follow me @N@, the tagline vault is this way. Friends, Romans, countrymen, lend me your taglines! Funny Tagline Part Deux! Generic Brown Label Tagline Generic Industry Standard Tagline Generic Tagline Generic Tagline v5: [ ]Flame Moderator [ ]Flame Sysop [X]Flame user. Generic Tagline v5: [ ]Flame Moderator [X]Flame Sysop [ ]Flame user. Generic Tagline v5: [X]Flame Moderator [ ]Flame Sysop [ ]Flame user. Generic Tagline: [ ]Humorous [ ]Insightful [x]Stupid Generic, non_offensive, non_funny tagline... boring, eh? Genuine tagline -- don't be fooled by cheap imitations. Get the FIDO collectors cards! (with special hologram tagline subset) Government Tagline. Takes up space, no known function. Great minds think alike, and steal the same taglines. Guard your rights! Join the National Tagline Assoc. Have you registered your tagline yet? He who dies with the most tag lines WINS! Help! I'm addicted to taglines! HELP! My Hard Drive has fallen and I have no taglines! Help, I've lost my tagline files and I'm suffering withdrawal! HELP.. I need a tagline. HELP.. Not just any tagline. Here Tag! C'mon Tag! Good Tag. Good boy! Hey !! Don't blame me !! I'm only the tagline !! Hey, Nice Tagline! (Scotty, beam it to my tag file and raise shields!) Hey, this isn't my tagline! Who put this here? Hey, who spilled coffee on my Tagline? Hit Ctrl-A for greater control over your tagline's destination. Hmmmm, now where did I put that tagline? Hobbies? Yes. I collect taglines. How many years do you get for grand theft tagline? howmanycharactersdoyouthinkyoucanfitintoonetaglineanyway? I almost stole a tagline! I'm so ashamed! I am NOT a tagline thief! I *always* eat dinner at my computer desk. I bought this tagline with all of my lottery money. I can't remember which taglines are mine and which I stole. I can't remember which taglines are stolen and which I wrote! I do NOT steal taglines; I make "backups" which I use! I don' gotta show you no steenking tag line. I don't have any taglines to give you. Go away. I don't like computers. I only do this for the taglines I don't steal taglines! Blue Wave steals taglines! I don't steal taglines, I redirect them to my hard drive. I don't steal taglines. I merely replicate them. I entered this message just to use this tagline. I faked this whole thing. I don't have a tagline compiler. I have more quotes than most people have BRAINS, proving SOMETHING. I have resorted to turning messages into taglines. -- ,-----> Ivy's WALL BBS Home of Lakeshore Net <-----, |--------------> Ivy Iverson, KB9QPM/AE <------------| `-> Netmail me a request for info on Lakeshore Net <-' ___ Blue Wave/QWK v2.20 [NR] --- TriToss (tm) 1.03 - (Unregistered) * Origin: Ivy's WALL BBS - Sheboygan, WI 920-457-9255 (1:154/170) --------------- FIDO MESSAGE AREA==> TOPIC: 255 TAGLINES Ref: F1200004 Date: 01/01/98 From: MODERATOR Time: 03:00am \/To: ALL (Read 1 times) Subj: Bi-Monthly Posting of the Rules of the E03:00:3801/01/98 Rules of the Echo This is the Taglines echo. Its purpose is the sharing of those wonderful, informative, opinionated, cute, not-so-nice and neverending TAGLINES. This Echo is open to everyone. Participation in this conference means that you accept and are willing to abide by the following guidelines. Rules that have changed since the last version with have a "*" in front of the number of the rule. The conference is moderated by Barry Blaes, 1:2630/140@fidonet.org. Internet address: btblaes@bigfoot.com. * Http://wwp.mirabilis.com/3657746 Co-Moderator: Ivy Iverson, 1:154/170@fidonet.org. 1. Taglines are the topic. They may not stray too far from the purpose of this echo and that is to post, pick up, exchange, share, steal, adopt, and just plain enjoy them. Avoid excessive quoting. Short comments may be added to any message that has some taglines in it. (1-Nov-96) *2. Discussions of Tagline Managers are permitted. Discussions of Tagline Managers should be kept to the functions of the software, and their source locations. (6-Oct-97) 3. DON'T get personal! Personal attacks, (Flames), and Profanity are unnecessary and unwelcome in this conference. Postings that attack groups based on but not limited to ethnicity, national origin, gender, sexual orientation and other, will not be tolerated. 4. All subjects permitted ONLY if in a tagline and do not violate other rules. A tagline consists of a one line comment. Taglines are SINGLE lines, not multiple lines or paragraphs. 5. English is the official language for the conference. Taglines in another language may be posted as long as a translation is added. Encoding taglines is not allowed. *6. ONLY a Moderator will address off-topic traffic. If you need to respond to any message that is not on topic or that is in violation of these guidelines, please do so by Netmail or via E-mail. 7. NO Private Messages. This is a public echo and those who pay for it do not want to transmit your private mail. 8. Handles and/or Aliases allowed if used as a normal part of your BBSing. 9. The use of so-called ANSI codes is permitted in the text of messages except the use of the ESC (27 decimal, 1B hexadecimal). 10. Advertisements of any kind (including BBS ads) are not allowed. 11. Announcements of NEW RELEASES of programs that are able to make use of TAGLINES, will be permitted in this echo. Only the author will post such an announcement. Only one announcement per month is permitted. 12. This conference MAY NOT be ported to any commercial echomail system, including but not limited to CompuServe, GEnie, Prodigy or to any other network's mail system without the written permission of the Moderator. 13. Hiding taglines by using control characters goes against the purpose of this conference and the rule against private messages. This means that hidden taglines are not allowed. 14. Knowingly posting off-topic messages will be considered a waiver of any possible warnings. Users who do this will lose their access to the conference with no warning. (12/1/94) 15. Some software malfunctions on messages that exceed a given limit. This limit is 10240 characters for this conference. This is about 125 lines including any message headers and trailers your software or the software of those carrying the message might add. Please limit your messages to this amount. (1/1/95) 16. Large block signatures of the kind commonly used in the Internet or with security signatures (like PGP) are not to be used. Please limit your signature to a maximum of four lines of text. (15-Dec-96) *17. No UUENCODED messages are allowed in the echo. *18. Posting of bulk taglines (Bulk taglines are a group of taglines of a unrelated topics) shall be kept to 10 messages per day per person. Posting of a single topic taglines (Ie: Red Dwarf Taglines) can be done in a single posting. However if the posting of said file would go over the 10 messages per day I would ask the user for discretion in posting more then the 10 messages per day. Either of these must be kept to the 125 line limit as per rule 15. 19. Comments/suggestions and or complaints are welcome as long as they are sent by netmail or E-mail. --------------- FIDO MESSAGE AREA==> TOPIC: 255 TAGLINES Ref: F1300000 Date: 01/01/98 From: GABRIEL PARCZEWSKI Time: 10:06pm \/To: ALL (Read 2 times) Subj: Terminate 5.0 Hi All , hope you are having a nice day Wich program would recommend me for put taglines in the terminate? I had testd many, and thy seem not to work propely. Thanks -=> Yours sincerely, #*Gabriel*# /*#Parczewski#*/ <=- ___ Terminate 5.00/Pro *XTA* /*LOGAN*/ /_OTTO_/ * Origin: Hey! Wait! I Got a New Complaint. (4:901/102.19) --------------- FIDO MESSAGE AREA==> TOPIC: 255 TAGLINES Ref: F1300001 Date: 01/01/98 From: SIMON AVERY Time: 11:56am \/To: HEATHER LENNOX (Read 2 times) Subj: TMatic Macros again A pixie called Heather popped up from behind a mushroom. 30 Dec 97 19:22, Heather Lennox wrote to Simon Avery: HL> I have finally got TMatic to actually replace the macros with names as HL> you showed me. But it isn't getting the correct names. HL> e.g. As @F looked at @Y, @Y screamed @S HL> It comes out as: HL> As Heather Lennox looked at Heather Lennox, Heather Lennox screamed HL> Hello. Go back and check what's in the BlueWave config part, it looks like you've got the same macro for all the names. Simon ... "Bother!" said Heather, and reinstalled Tag-O-Matic. --- FMail 1.22 * Origin: Tag-O-Matic - Freq T-MATIC from Origin (2:255/90) --------------- FIDO MESSAGE AREA==> TOPIC: 255 TAGLINES Ref: F1300002 Date: 12/17/97 From: GOTTFRIED GIDALY Time: 08:03pm \/To: ALL (Read 2 times) Subj: Taglines --------------------------------------------------- [Begin Tags] DOS Female version 1...MISS.DOS DOS Jurrasic version 1...DINO.DOS.SAURAS DUMB: Buying water that spells NAIVE backwards DOWNTIME: When the computer is on bedrest DOS never says "RAD command or filename" DOS Little female version...DOS.ETTE DSI: Do Something Interesting DOUGLASS TABB JUDE LANGHORNE HOWARD WATSON CLARKE * VA 1630 - 1830 DUMB:"We need safer guns and safer bullets."- Sur. Gen. Elders,12-8-93 DWARF: I wanted a BUD LIGHT! Stupid Humans DOS is just a bootstap loader for Windows 95 DOS Idiot's version 3...DUM.DOS Death, doom and destruction loom on the horizon. Have a nice day DRI: Disable Random Interrupt DOS SciFi version 2...DOS.R2D2 DRILL SERGEANT: An army dentist DOS Florist version...DOS.FTD DTC: Destroy This Command DYSLEXIC PARTICLE PHYSICISTS do it with hadrons DOS: pretty functional * Mac: pretty pictures * Amiga: pretty strange DOWNTIME -- Coffee breaks, lunch, or Friday mentality in the office DRAW! - Eastern Bloc Robot Cowboy I don't have..a..- The TIck DOS: Venerable Windows: Vulnerable OS/2: Viable DRYWALLERS are better bangers DOS Italian version 3...DOS.CAIO DOS users do it as soon as prompted DOS Perot: you boot it; it then decides if it will run DOS...Run DOS...Run DOS Run...Darnit, RUN DOS! DT%FFP: DecTape \(em unload and Flappa FlaP DOS 6.66: The Anti-DOS DOS Hawaiian version...ALOHA.DOS DWIM ; Do What I Mean DOS never says "H(ave the baby), G(ive up), P(ay attention), S(ucceed) DOS has the right idea. I typed in AMIGA: Bad command or filename DOUCHE........................The Italian word for twelve DOS Mexican version 1...DOS.XX DOS Vatican version...DOS.AMEN DUMBSYSOP ERROR - (R)estart Brain, (A)bort, (B)lush<<< DREAM: If it's worth doing, it's worth doing DOS: Disk Obliterating System DSTD: Do Something Totally Different DR. SEUSS' LESSER-KNOWN BOOK: I've Fallen---And I Can't Get Up! DOS Dutch version...DOS.KLM DOS=HIGH; PATH=C:\COCAINE;C:\HEROIN;C:\ACID;C:\BEAVIS\AND\BUTTHEAD DPG: Double Precision Guess DOS Latin version...ET.TU.DOS DOS Error #163: Bug.BAT not found. Windows.EXE halted DS9: Weekend at Bariel's DOS Russian version 3...IVAN.DOS DR. SEUSS' LESSER-KNOWN BOOK: Aunts in My Pants DOS 6 More mouseware from Mickysoft DROPPED FROM UTS is just VM's way of saying Booga, Boo DOS gets in your eyes! DOS Perot: you boot it and it then decides whether it'll run DOS is like a dream... A very bad one! DOS=HIGH? I knew it was on something DOS Male version...MR.DOS D:-) visor smile DOS Fast food version 1...DOS.ON.A.STICK DOS Teen version 1...DOS!COWABUNGA! DOS Secretarial verson...DOS.TYPO DOS never says AWESOME command or filename DOS, this is WINDOWS95, I'm taking over the harddisk! DUNGEON MASTERS do it behind a screen DOS family: Female: MS-DOS Doc.: DR-DOS Engineer: PC-DOS D'ya wonder: if ain't ain't a word, what is it? DOS %JH3 TAGFILE DOS NASA version...DOS.AOK DOS Italian version 1...IL.DOS DTF: Dump Tape to Floor DR-DOS, the much better DOS than DOS DSN: Last dilithum stop for the next 4 galaxies!! DOS error 324: eof on tagline file DRAT! Busy again! DOS of Borg: Prepare...oops, out of memory! Death, Life, and Infinite are the only constants Death: Just Say No D'ya wonder: just how BAD is "OR ELSE!"? DROM: Destroy ROM DYHA the Newfie who wanted to a dart's team goalie? DS9 meets Moonbase Alpha: Odo + Maya = Love at first ooze DPCS: Decrement Program Counter Secretly DWIW: Do What I Want DOS Perot: you boot it, it then decides if it will run or not! DOS is just an operating system that runs Windows DOS Russian version 5...COMRADE.DOS DOS problems? Put SET BUGS=OFF in your CONFIG.SYS DUNGEON MASTERS have better encounters DOS Italian version 2...LA.DOS.A.VITA D'ya wonder: why they always OPEN that dark door in the horror flicks? DPMI: Declare Programmer Mentally Incompetent DOS Vietamese version 1...NGYUN.DOS DUL: Delete Utility Library DOS LIVES...Windows depends on it! DOS 6; Windows 3.1; brain 1.0 beta DOS is just a bootstrap loader for Windows 95 DOWN AND OUT: A very ugly gay guy...he has to go out with girls DOS Discount version 1...DOS.4.LESS DR. SEUSS - Theodore I Was DOS SciFi version 1...WOOKIE.DOS [End Tags]