--------------- FIDO MESSAGE AREA==> TOPIC: 255 TAGLINES Ref: EGS00002 Date: 12/20/97 From: ROCKER Time: 10:51pm \/To: SHONA LAND (Read 2 times) Subj: Re: Tagline Saver |-----------------|Shona Land wrote: SL>Okay send that And I'll e-mail ya.. |-------------------------------------| Will do. BTW I am looking for doughnut taglines now.<> I'll explain why elsewhere. Later Rocker Cosysop of The Danger Zone ... Be veddy veddy quiet ... I'm hunting taglines! --- * TLX v4.10 * ___ Blue Wave/QWK v2.12 --- GEcho 1.20/Pro * Origin: The Danger Zone, St.John's, NFLD (709)368-4709!! (1:258/300) --------------- FIDO MESSAGE AREA==> TOPIC: 255 TAGLINES Ref: EGS00003 Date: 12/22/97 From: BOBBY QUEEN Time: 07:15am \/To: KIM LYKKEGAARD (Read 2 times) Subj: Dupe! Howdy Kim! In a note to All <12/18/19> Kim Lykkegaard scribbled: KL> Hello All. KL> Some of you have complaind about dupes in some of tag line colletion. I KL> have heard what nobody seem to know a dupe program there is good a KL> will take most of the dupes. I'm about to geting use to watcom insted KL> of borland compiler, so I wrote one. KL> You can get the program on: http://home8.inet.tele.dk/lykkegaa/fido/ KL> The progra is called KILLDUPE.ZIP and is for DOS (32-bit) if somebody KL> ask I might make a OS/2 and/or a windows version. Kim, I have had nothing but troubles trying to get on this address. Could you file attach it to me at wizards@shelby.net and just ignore this message if you are already sending it from my first message. Thanks. Bobby Queen ...  Happy Holidays To All  --- Platinum Xpress/386/Wildcat! v1.3c * Origin: Home of the "NASCAR" Bulletins 704-434-8904 (1:18/178) --------------- FIDO MESSAGE AREA==> TOPIC: 255 TAGLINES Ref: EGS00004 Date: 12/22/97 From: DOUG REYNOLDS Time: 12:15am \/To: JOEY ODORISIO (Read 2 times) Subj: South Park JO> Does anyone have any South Park taglines? I`m surprised there JO> plenty on here already. how about: "You b**tards! You killed Kenny!!" - Kyle "beefcake .. BeefCake .. BEEFCAKE" - Cartman "Fillip, what color is the wind??" - Terrance the maverick # http://www.microserve.net/~mav/ # mav@microserve.net ... BARNEY MUST DIE !!!!!! --- Telegard v3.09.g1/mL * Origin: the rebel multiline 1X % 3.100Gs % 412/459.7290 (1:2610/38) --------------- FIDO MESSAGE AREA==> TOPIC: 255 TAGLINES Ref: EGS00005 Date: 12/19/97 From: RICKY FOLTZ Time: 11:32pm \/To: NAVNEET JONEJA (Read 2 times) Subj: HD Crash [1/2] >>> Part 1 of 2... -=> Quoth the Joneja, "HD Crash" <=- NJ> if anyonw can help me, i need taglines on.... NJ> daffy definitions ACLU: American Criminal's Liberties Union AIDS: God's revenge on perverts...Clinton, Visa-Versa Aardvark: Strenuous labor. Abortion: Loves Labor Lost Academy: A modern school where football is taught. Accordion: A bagpipe with pleats. Accuracy: The vice of being right. Acetone: What you do in exercise class. Acoustic: What you play pool with. Acronyms: Tools for the profusion of confusion (TFTPOC) Adam's Rib: The original bone of contention. Address: Type of attire worn by some female programmers. Admiration: Polite recognition of self-reflection. Adult: One old enough to know better. Advertisement: The most truthful part of a newspaper. Advertising: Telling lies to attract shoplifters. Advice (noun): the smallest current coin. Advisor: The guy who told you how to screw up After-math [n]: The period following algebra. Aibohphobia n: The fear of palindromes Alcoholic: A person who drinks more than his physician. Algebra: What the Little Mermaid wears Algol: The husband of Polygol, their missing daughter is Polygon. Alien: (n) A Being Who Travels Great Distances To Molest Cattle. Altair: A place where computers are sacrificed. Ambivalence: Mother in law drives my Caddy over cliff American politics: The walruses herding the oysters. Amiga: Yesterday's technology, tomorrow. Angling: The name given to fishing by non-fishermen. Anoid: Paying MORE for Surge-Protectors than Computer!! Antonym: The opposite of the word you're searching for. Arising: Conflict between a man and his mattress. Army food: The spoils of war. Arnoldism: Can you open this jar of olives for me. Array: A blast from a CRT. Artery: The study of fine paintings. Artificial Intelligence: The other guy's opinion. Asphalt: Rectal trouble. Astrakhan: The covert art of observing beauty in motion. Astronomy: The anatomy and physiology of our universe. Autobiography: Unrivalled telling truth about others. BASIC: Beginner's All-purpose Sloppy Instruction Code. BBS: A device used to triple your phone bill. BBS: A method to triple your phone bill. BIGAMIST: Italian weather condition BITCH: Beautiful, Intelligent, Talented & Horny Baby Sitters: Girls you hire to watch your TV. Bachelor: A guy who has cheated a woman out of a divorce. Bachelor: One who is footloose & fiance free! Bachelor: Plays the field until the field comes in. Backup: Opposite of forward. Bankrupture: A Fiscal Hernia. Baptism: A kind of damp bar mitzvah. Barfingnewgen: German Car Sickness. Barium. What you do if CPR fails. Barium: What you do with dead chemists. Barney: What happens when you feed a smurf after midnight. Barometer: Indicates what kind of weather we are having. Baroque: When you are out of Monet. Bathroom scale: Something you stand on and swear at. Beheading: The ultimate loss of face Belfry: The directory for .BAT files! Benign: What you are after you be eight. Bigamist: An Italian fog. Bigamist: One who makes the same mistake twice. Bigamy: One wife too many. Monogamy: The same idea... Bigamy: Too many wives. Alimony: Same thing. Bill Clinton: Elmer Fudd without the grip on reality Biography: One of the terrors of death. Bit: The increment by which programmers slowly go mad. Bluewave: 40,000 Smurphs in a stadium amusing themselves. Bore: A person who talks when you wish him to listen. Boy: A noise with dirt on it. Brain: the apparatus with which we think that we think. Branch: A stick used for beating. Breast fed: A female FBI agent Bride: Woman with fine prospect of happiness behind her. Budget: A method for going broke methodically. Buffer: A programmer who works in the nude. Buffer: Programmer who works in the nude. Bulldozer: One who sleeps through a political speech. Bureaucracy: That place always in need of a laxative. Bureaucrat (n): A person who cuts red tape sideways. COBOL: Confused Oriental Bean-cOunting Language. Camel: A quarter horse designed by a committee. Camelot: A place to park camels. Cancer: The cure for smoking. Cartoon: A device used by papers to say what an editor dare not. Castrate: The hotel rate for actors. Cat (kat') (n): Dog with an attitude problem. Catastrophe: 38 Years of Liberal Democrats in Congress. Catastrophe: Award given to the cat with the cutest buns Catastrophe: an award for the cat with the nicest buns? Catatonic: An aging cat in desperate need for Geritol. Celibacy: The ultimate safe sex. Cemetery (n): A marble orchard you can take for granite. Cerebral Palsy: Hands playing in the Cereal. Cesarean Section: A historic district in Rome. Chafe: Perfue with marked perfiftenfe. Chastity: The most unnatural of sexual perversions. Cheerios: Hula-hoops for ants. Chicloexdus: The route taken by a gumball to avoid capture. Children: The most common sexually transmitted disease. Chip: One California hi-way patrolman. Chirpes: n, A canarial disease, no tweetment. Circular see Definition, Circular. Clinton: Why the White House should have a twit filter. Coding: An addictive drug. Colic: A sheepdog that is part collie. Collector: Person few care to see but ask to call again. College: Guarantee the quality of the product or return. Command: A suggestion made to a computer. Committee: A group that keeps minutes and loses hours. Computer: A device designed to drive human beings insane. Computer: A device designed to speed and automate errors. Computer: A million morons working at the speed of light. Conclusion: the place where you got tired of thinking Confusion, n: Donald Duck speaking Klingonese. Congenital: Adjective synonymous to friendly. Congress: Just a few conservatives away from working! Congress: Living example of Artificial Intelligence Congress: Prime example of Artificial Intelligence! Conscience: The inner voice warning somebody is looking. D.A.M.N.: Nude Mothers against Dyslexia DESQview: Better windows DESQview: Faster than a Cray (running Windows) DESQview: Windex for Windows Dachshund: Half a dog high by a dog and a half long. Dancing: A vertical manifestation of a horizontal desire. Dawn: The time when men of reason go to bed. Dawn: The time when people of reason go to bed Death: The longest sleep from which you will ever awaken Death: Unfortunate side effect of attacking a cop! Death: to stop sinning suddenly. Define: De ting you get for breaking de law. Deja Brew: We have all been Beer before. Democrat: Let's tax this sh*t happening. Dentist: He lives from hand to mouth. Desk: A very large wastebasket with drawers. Despair: An extra tire in de trunk. Detour: The roughest distance between two points. Dew: Air that looks wet. Dianetics : The Science of Selling Books Dictator : a potato with a penis. Dilate: To live longer. Dilate: To live too long Dime: A dollar with all the taxes taken out. Diode: What happens to people who don't die young. Dip: Inventor of a famous switch. Diplomacy: Saying 'nice doggy'... until you find a rock. Diplomacy: Saying nice doggy until you find a gun... Diplomacy: The Vaseline of political intercourse Diplomacy: The art of letting someone else get your way. Diplomacy: The delicate weapon of the civilized warrior. Diplomacy: The patriotic lying for one's country. Diplomacy: lying in state. Disassembler: An unattended five year old child. Disk Drive: A motor for a frisbee. DisneyLand: A people trap operated by a mouse. Documentation = admission of Failure? Dog: The only popular tail-bearer. Dogmatism: Puppyism come to its full growth. Duplex: Having two apartments. Dyslexia: it can warn without striking! Echo: Only thing that cheats some out of the last word. Egotist: more interested in himself than in me. Elephant: A mouse Built to Government Standards. Elephant: A mouse built to government specifications. Endocannibalism: The result of a really hungry cannibal. Ethernet: A device for catching the Ether Bunny. Ethernet: What you use to catch the Ether Bunny Evolution: God's way of issuing updates Evolution: Scientists making monkeys of themselves... Experience: what you get when you don't get what you want Expert: Anyone from out of town. Expert: Some unknown drip under pressure. Expert: Someone from out of town. With a modem. Expert: Someone who knows less, but makes more money. Explorer: A hobo with experience. External Storage: A wastebasket. F*hrvergn*gen: German for no leg room FEAR: False Evidence Appearing Real. FORTRAN: Formless Translations. FROG, (n): An amphibian with edible legs. Fahrvegnookie (n): Sex in a Volkswagen. Fame: Chiefly a matter of dying at the right moment. Fanaticism: Redoubling effort when your aim is forgotten. Farfignewton: A long way 'till the next cookie Farfignewton: German for ergonomic cookie. Farfrompoopin: German word for constipation Fartvergn*gen: The pleasure of breaking wind. Feminism: It's because of men that sh*t happens. Fetish: The other guys good luck piece. Fibonacci Numbers: The mathematical explanation of life. Fiction: It can't hold a scandal to biography. Fiddle: Friction of a horse's tail on a cat's entrails. Filet Mignon: An opera by Puccini. Firmware: Hardware that is starting to melt. Fishing rod: a hook at one end, a fool at the other. Fixed Word Length: Four-letter words used by programmers in a state Flattery: Cologne water, to smell but not swallow. Floating Control: When you have to go but can't leave the computer Floppy Joe: Home Computer addict Florist: A petal pusher. Forth: One of the top five computer languages. Fraud(n): A telephone number starting with "1-900" Friend: Anyone who has the same enemies you have. Friends: People who dislike the same people we do Fundamentalism: Fund=(give cash)+ amentalism (without brains) G.I. Series: A military baseball game. >>> Continued to next message... --- Blue Wave/DOS v2.30 * Origin: DAYZE OF FUTURES PAST* 458-0237 * V.EVERYTHING * (1:106/2001) --------------- FIDO MESSAGE AREA==> TOPIC: 255 TAGLINES Ref: EGS00006 Date: 12/19/97 From: RICKY FOLTZ Time: 11:32pm \/To: NAVNEET JONEJA (Read 2 times) Subj: HD Crash [2/2] >>> Part 2 of 2... Gambling: The sure way of getting nothing for something. Genealogy: It's all relative in the end anyway. Genealogy: Looking for bones in the closet. Genealogy: Tracing descent from someone who didn't. Genealogy: Tracing us back to the same brother & sister. Menu: List of dishes which the restaurant has run out of. Pasteurize: "The water is only to my neck but is pasteurize." :) Polygon: A dead parrot. You need Polygon, Camelot and Pasteurize: Brassiere: Cover for a great double feature. [i] ricky.foltz@beginners.net (Last-resort: slralpha@aol.com) ... * Origin: Hiroshima '45 Chernobyl '86 Windows '98 (1:218/704) --- Blue Wave/DOS v2.30 * Origin: DAYZE OF FUTURES PAST* 458-0237 * V.EVERYTHING * (1:106/2001) --------------- FIDO MESSAGE AREA==> TOPIC: 255 TAGLINES Ref: EGS00007 Date: 12/21/97 From: BARRY BLAES Time: 01:04pm \/To: ALL (Read 2 times) Subj: Happy Holidays. Wishing all here Happy Holidays. From Barry Blaes, on Stardate 9712.21. E-mail: btblaes@bigfoot.com. Http://wwp.mirabilis.com/3657746 Pgp Finger Print: 1798 7D94 FB21 D1D0 DC0E A16C F11E 127C 55CC 4B68 ... I'm a Science Officer...I'm suppose to have a better idea. --DAX. *** Tag-O-Matic V.13 I recognise the Green Frog. --- Fastecho 1.45a * Origin: The Bears Den. (1:2630/140) --------------- FIDO MESSAGE AREA==> TOPIC: 255 TAGLINES Ref: EGS00008 Date: 12/21/97 From: GREGORY LEFFLER Time: 03:30pm \/To: BOBBY QUEEN (Read 2 times) Subj: Dupe! Greetings, BOBBY. It is stardate 9712.21! Do *YOU* know where the Borg are? 20-Dec-97 03:42:50, BOBBY QUEEN communicated something. (S)he was talking about: Dupe! BQ -| Howdy Kim! BQ -| In a note to All <12/18/19> Kim Lykkegaard scribbled: KL -| Hello All. KL -| Some of you have complaind about dupes in some of tag line KL -| colletion. BQ -| I have tried to get on this address for 2 days and it won't connect. BQ -| Can you file attach it to me at wizards@shelby.net? I would BQ -| appreciate it. UU-Encode and send it to me, also. gleffler@juno.com Thanks in advance! Sincerely, Gregory Leffler ... Well gribbon my doggeralls and call me a nancy. -?- Tag-O-Matic V.13 ! (24325 Taglines) (Quoted 0%) Owned by Gregory Leffler --- Terminate 5.00/Pro -Support the Free Software Movement! * Origin: A High Cliff - Overlooking the sunny vistas of KY! (1:2320/110.7) --------------- FIDO MESSAGE AREA==> TOPIC: 255 TAGLINES Ref: EGS00009 Date: 12/22/97 From: RICKY FOLTZ Time: 06:27am \/To: IVY IVERSON (Read 2 times) Subj: [1/6] Tags -=> Quoth the Iverson, "[1/6] Tags" <=- RF> If there's anything I can do feel free to ask :) II> II> Ok, send $10,000 to... ;-} To whom should I make out the check? (What do you want, Sally? Yes, I know bouncing a check is illegal! What she don't know can't hurt her!) :) II> " Dai jo buu! " -Natsumi II> "Ano ko, yurusanai!" - Eniru, Gundam X, Ep 5 II> "Anta bakaa!?" -Souryuu Asuka Langley, Evangelion II> "Blue, blue rain in my soul." -Mospeada II> "Chaing! Aku! Retsu! Wingman!" -Yume Senshi Wingman Good, just what I've been looking for! Thanx much :) "Now don't you go getting any ideas, mister!" - Lucca "To use a Tagline from here, step into the light and hit Return." - Gaspar "But you have it... determination, I mean!" - Spekkio "What're you laughin' at. Don't judge a book by its cover!" - Spekkio "You, with the punk hairdo! You're 'Lightning.'" - Spekkio "The one with goofy glasses is 'Fire.'" - Spekkio "Grrrr! That was most embarrasing!" - Spekkio [i] ricky.foltz@beginners.net (Last-resort: slralpha@aol.com) ... 666: number of the Beast 2.823474229: Logarithm of the Beast >:) Tag-O-Matic V.13 I recognize the Green Frog. 11/12 --- Blue Wave/DOS v2.30 * Origin: DAYZE OF FUTURES PAST* 458-0237 * V.EVERYTHING * (1:106/2001)