--------------------------------------------------- [Begin Tags] Dear Satan, Give me Drugs - William Bennett Deanna: My own feelings are beside the point - Deaf exp #23: "Why does the dialogue box show up every time they speak?" Dear Lorena Bobbitt, send it to me: /s/ Jeffery Dahlmer Dear God... Your name is on a lot of quotes in this Book. - XTC Deanna: One day I'm going to give it to that Bajoran tram Deanna: Besides, it's no stranger than what you're eating Death before deceleration Death called. You were out. I gave him your pager number Deanna! Only 10 times in one hour!? Worf[naked] Deanna: Oh, Wesley! I've got something for you! [naked] Death has the key to open the miser chest. --African Ashanti Deanna: How was your date with Data? Tasha: Insufficient Data Deanna Troi, Good Friends, and Country Music! Dear Jean-Luc: Hate you. Hate UFP. Took Vash.--Q Death and taxes? Now it's `shipping & handling.' Death has been proven 99% fatal in laboratory rats Deanna: I didn't mean right now! Deanna: Is something wrong? Death greets me warm, now i will just say goodbye Deanna, have you ever had really good sex? Or is it a theory? - Riker Deadly Bulb,I'm about to write you a reality check! - The Tick Deanna: I sense (insert emotion of choice here) Death awaits you all with nasty big pointy teeth! Deaf exp #28: "If you can lipread, why do you need an interpreter?" Deaf, dumb, and blonde Death cures cancer Deanna: Worf, calm down! Deanna: I sense your mind is totally empty. Are you modeming? Death and taxes? Now it's shipping and handling Dean Basler: registered user of Blue Wave since 1993 Death has proven to be 99.9% fatal to all lab rats Death by..uhhh... Saw off his tweeter!- Butthead 'n Lorena Bobbit Dear Santa, All I want for Cmas is your list of *bad* girls Deal with other's faults as gently as with your own Death has proven to be fatal in 99.9% of laboratory rats Deaf exp #35: "Deaf people can speak?!?" Deaf exp #45: "Does ur hearing-ear dog guide U around like blind people? Dean Misenhimer......Mission Viejo, CA.......TTFN Dear God! Somebody Macek-ered my Anime!! NO-O-O-O-O-O! Death awaits you all, with big nasty sharp pointed teeth! Dear Auntie Em, hate you, hate Kansas, took the dog. Dorethy Deanna: She's not just window dressing any more Deanna: Did the table do something to offend you, Worf Deadly Semen Backup by Hugh G. Rection Dean R. Koontz - a man with a thousand faces Dear Aunt Em - I hate you, I hate Kansas, I've got the damn dog! Deaf exp #36: "You don't need closed caption. Lipread them on the TV!" Deanna, Beverly and Kira, Menage a Troi? Deanna I would say you have a nice cat, but some might get mad Dear John Hinkley; Bill Clinton is dating Jodie Foster Deaf exp #7: "I'm deaf" (written on a kleenex box to a traffic cop) Deanna: Captian, I am sensing menacing background music Dear Santa, all I want for Christmas is your list of naughty girls Dear Lord, please save me from your followers Death before dishonor, but neither before breakfast. Deanna: Captain, I sense millions of minds focused on my cleavage Dead is dead, parts is parts, dead guys is parts Deadware was coined by ME in November 1993 Death Ends Fun - film at 11 Deanna: It's not easy having an overbearing parent Deanna tries to read Picard's mind & sees a Pontiac Death and taxes are inevitable, but death is not a repeater Dead or Alive, Big or Small, Governmets tax them all!!!! Death bed thought: "I wish I had spent more time learning edlin and DOS." Deanna Troi: Interplanetary Yenta Death followed by eternitythe worst of both worlds Dear Aunt Em: Hate you, hate Kansas, took the dog. Dorothy Deanna: I thought I was the empath - Deanna: Congratulations Data, it's a girl Dear Stephen: Hate Blain, hate Midworld, want off... WRITE FASTER! Death before dishonour, but neither before breakfast.-Ashleigh Brilliant Deanys' realityometer: e[\....]f Hmmmmm. Thought so Deaf exp #15: People shouting loud so they think you can hear them Dead skunk in the middle of the road...dead skunk..whoops Bodle got it! Deal. Fax me a $10 bill, I'll fax you the I/O card Deanna: Computer, execute my original command Dead people? We prefer to call them recently interred citizens Dear, you've lost your birth control pills, said Tom pregnantly Dead people are actually NON-electroencephalographically challenged Deanna: It's nobody's business whose hats I smel Deaf people have a silent mind Dear God, he's unappealing! -- Crow T. Robot Dead or alive, you're coming with me - Murphy Dear Santa: Please send me your list of naughty girls Death before decaf Deaf exp #19: "It says here on the note that you're deaf. Are you deaf?" Death and taxes are inevitable; at least death doesn't get worse every year Death can't stop true love. Only delay it awhile. - Westley Dear me... What are those things coming out of her nose? Deanna: Captain, I sense. . .Chocolate! Dead, huh? Well, that's one less thing. * Beverly Dear...get me some coffee. - S. Kyle Deanna: nuqDaq yuch Dapo Deanna: Water, Avian, room temp Deanna, do you like to... experiment? Beverly Deaf people are just Deaf, not DUMB! Dead Ringers: A movie NOT to watch the night before your OB-GYN appt Dear Starfleet, Hate you, hate Alpha Quadrant, took Voyager - Janeway Deadite: Who the hell are you? Ash: Name's Ash. Housewares [End Tags] --------------------------------------------------- Message sent by SqTool version 12 --- SQtools * Origin: -GG/W18- ( 2:313/37.79) --------------- FIDO MESSAGE AREA==> TOPIC: 255 TAGLINES Ref: EGJ00022 Date: 12/14/97 From: GOTTFRIED GIDALY Time: 09:32am \/To: ALL (Read 2 times) Subj: Taglines --------------------------------------------------- [Begin Tags] Dear Captain Picard: Hate you, hate StarFleet, took Data. - Tasha Yar Dead people are cool Deadline has marvelous ability to concentrate the mind Deanna: Chocolate is a serious thing! Dead people make excellent listeners, and they keep secrets! Deanna, put the spurs back on! Riker[naked] Deanna Troi's Epitaph: "Huh? Sense What? I Don't Get It!" Death and deprivation stalk our land like... two giant stalking things Deanna: How was your date with Data? Tasha:Insufficient Deanna: I already know you hated it. Shut up Dead than "ditto-head"! Deanna: That was so fast, can you show me one more time Dear Abby: What diet is best for my FAT file? Deadpan Humor Alert Dear Jesus, please protect us from your followers. Amen Death and taxes are both certain, but death isn't annual Deaf exp #38: "Every time I call you, I get a funny noise on the phone." Deanna: I sense millions of mindsstaring at my cleav Death for the others. For you, eternity in a box Dear Lord, the God's have been good to me. -- Homer DEATH...Failure To Fulfill Ones Potential For Wellness! Dear Carol: I'm dead. Enjoy! -- Crow T. Robot Deanna: If you're my mother's valet, then please, valet! Dear Aunt Nefertiti thanks for the SOCKS? -Crow on scroll Death has been proven to be 99 per cent fatal in laboratory rats Dear wack...Beatles Death has been proven to be 99% fatal in laboratory rats Deaf exp #32: "How can you be deaf if you can talk?" Dear, O dear, oh will they really laugh at me? -Floyd Deanna, do you *have* to wear those spurs to bed? --Riker Dear Captain Picard: Hate StarFleet, took Data : Tasha DEATH BY BOO-BOO Dear Aunt Em: Hate you, hate Kansas, took dog. - Dorothy Dear, yu've lost you birth control pills, said Tom pregnantly Deanna: He's thinking about my breasts again, Captain! Dear Mister Language Person: What is the purpose of the apostrophe? Deanna: I sense a million minds staring at my cleavage Deanna: I'm not here to approve or disapprove Deanna: Don't do that AGAIN! Not even if my shirt's on fire! Deaf exp #11: "Why do I need to use relay when I can call you direct??" Deanna: Lighten up, dude! Life is like, too short, y'know Deanna: I want to apologize for my mother's behavior Deanna: Data, sometimes a cigar is just a cigar Deanna: The treaty was 500,000 words Dear Carol: I'm dead. Enjoy! - Crow on note from dead dad Deanna Troi: "Oh, Worf! It's got little ridges!" Deanna: Cry on someone else's shoulder, I'm off-duty Dear Santa, I want a copy of your list of naughty girls Deaf people always have a silent mind Deaf exp # 4: Ssspeeeeaaakiiiingggg .... veeerrrry .... slooooowwwllllyy Deanna: I wasn't cheating, you were thinking too hard Deadwood. 19th century Earth. The Ancient West. - Alexander Deanna, I've got a new holodeck program. - Barclay DEATH CAUSES LONELINESS, FEELINGS OF ISOLATION Deaf exp #41: "Y is ASL a language when deaf people can read and write?" Deaf exp #14: (shouting) "ARE YOU DEAF?!? CAN YOU HEAR ME!?!?" Dear God, please let me win the lotto NO Deal with it, joyless prole! - Dr. F to Joel Deadline? What's a deadline? -- Liefeld DEAD TREE EDITION: The paper version of a publication Deaf exp #22: "How do (deaf people/you) talk on the phone?" Deaf exp #29: "Why are deaf people included in ADA? U're not disabled!" De Agony of Delete Dead: Terminally inconvenienced Deanna: Oh Worf, you're such an animal! Deanna: Is that a rabbit in your pocket, Data? Dear, why is there cat hair all over the Pirahhna's tank? Dear Santa. Hello! Ha ha Narf! - Pinky Dear Stephen, Tired of Midworld, hate Blaine, want off...WRITE FASTER! Deanna: Captain, stop staring at my chest Death called while you were out, so I gave him your pager number Death by Intelligence! Dead? No. Electroencephelographically challenged, maybe! Deanna: I feel pain, GREAT pain! Riker: Glad you li Deaktivoikaa Ole Norrback Deanna: And we can't even say hello to these people Deanna: Next time, see me before you see Sigmund Dear Lorena Bobbitt, Got any left-overs? - Jeffrey Dahlmer Death can really ruin your day Dear Starfleet, hate you, hate the Federation, taking Voyager. Janeway Dead or Alive, Big or Small, Liberals want to tax them all! Deanna: Data, Ahh, I think Spot needs a liter box Dead people are metabolically challenged Deaf exp #9: "What's a relay service??" Dead or Alive, Big or Small, Clinton tax them all! Deaf exp #16: "Does s/he speak the language of the dead??" Deanna: Oh, Will, I've already SEEN what you're hiding DEAD OF WINTER Network! Snow jobs for Jesus! Deaf exp #20: "Why does that light flash when I push the doorbell?" Dear, can you have the kids leave the scalps alone? M. Python Deanna: Captain! I sense millions of minds...staring at my cleavage! Deaf exp #10: "Do you know what I'm saying or do I need to go slower?" Deanna: I'm sensing large dripping globs of chocolate Death and destruction! I hunger for annihilation! - Mars Deanna: I said BetaZOID! Not Beta TESTER! Dear John Hinkley: Rush Limbaugh is dating Jodie Foster Deanna: Three jacks for the handsome young Ensign Deanna: Stop this petty bickering; all of you Dead puppies aren't much fun Deaf exp # 1: "Are you deaf?" [End Tags] --------------------------------------------------- Message sent by SqTool version 12 --- SQtools * Origin: -GG/W18- ( 2:313/37.79) --------------- FIDO MESSAGE AREA==> TOPIC: 255 TAGLINES Ref: EGJ00023 Date: 12/14/97 From: GOTTFRIED GIDALY Time: 09:33am \/To: ALL (Read 2 times) Subj: Taglines --------------------------------------------------- [Begin Tags] Death gets better each time Congress meets! Dead rats were always trying to sneak into Mrs. Jewl's class Deanna: I sense great lust from half the crew Death could make me change my mind about a lot of things Death and the dice level all distinctions Deadite: I'll swallow your soul! Ash: Come get some Dead Kennedys-Give Me Convenience OR Give Me Death Dear Mom: Please Send more taglines! Dear God, They have Weapons! - SS trooper, Warsaw, 1942 Dear Sir, I wish to protest this tagline! Death can do strange things to people. -- Grim Jack Dear Lorena Bobbitt, send it to me: /s/ Jeffrey Dahlmer Dead or Alive, Big or Small, Liberals tax them all! Deanna, tell me - do you like to...experiment? - Beverly Crusher Deanna: Just tell me there's some chocolate here Deaf exp #24: "Why are deaf people called deaf and dumb? Are they dumb?" Dear Santa, all I want is your list of naughty girls Dear Santa: All I want is a copy of your list of naughty girls DEAF MUTE GETS NEW HEARING IN KILLING Deanna: Good. I will let them know you're coming Deanna Troi...need I say more Deaf exp #1: "You're deaf??" Deaf exp #2: "If you're deaf, how do you know what I'm saying?" Deanna Troy's bra size: 1701-D Death does not necessarily relieve you of financial responsibility Death awaits you with long ears and nasty sharp teeth! Dead Reckoning: You reckon correctly, or you are Dear Santa all I want is your list of nasty girls Dear Jean-Luc - hate the UFP, hate you, taking Vash. Signed, Q Deanna: Only in your dreams, Commander Deanna: He's king of his particular hill Dear God...Protect Me From Your Followers Deal with it, Pink-Boy! -- Crow T. Robot Dear Diary. Call me Ishmael... -- Tom Servo Death has been proven to be 99% fatal to laboratory rats Deanna: Troi's personal log: Stardate 44805.3, my mother is on board Death does funny things to you Dear John Hinckley: Bill Clinton is dating Jodie Foster. - R. Reagan Deanna tries to read my mind and sees taglines Dead Scream! - Sailor Pluto Deanna Troi - a major Trek babe Deanna: Do you mind if we join you? Ro: Yes Deanna tries to read Will's mind and sees an Erector set Dear Lorena, Got any left-overs? - Jeffrey Dahlmer Deaf exp #21: "What's a Telecommunciation Device for the Deaf (TDD)?" Dear John Hinkley: Bill Clinton is dating Jodie Foster. - R. Reagan Dear Lorena Bobbitt, Got any leftovers? - Jeffrey Dahmer Deanna, I have been having these dreams. Data Deanna: I am the Goddess of Empathy Deanna: Someone's down there...alive Deanna tries to read my mind and sees recipes Dead-letter office: A library Death by tagline! Deadly virus has been detected Barney picture on screen Death and power are close cousins. I don't like your relatives Dear John Hinkley; Bill Clinton is dating Jody Foster." -- R. Reagan Deanna: Data, sometimes a cake is just a cake Deanna Troi: 24th Century Yenta! Deanna: Now, Commander. Watch and learn DEAD RINGER: A disconnected telephone Dead or alive, you're coming with me Edsil Murphy Death before dishonor and either before soap operas Deanna: Mother, I'd like to introduce your son-in-law, Lt. Worf Dear Ann, How do I get rid of all these unicorns following me? - Marie Dead men don't whine Dear diary: grope, feel, grab, kiss, molest... - Bob Packwood Deaf exp #8: "Why is he making those funny gestures??" Death don't have no mercy in this land! Deanna: Your cowardice does not befit a Romulan Commander! Deaf exp # 8: "Why is s/he making those funny gestures??" Deaf exp #5: Trying to lipread a man with a beard or moustache Deanna: You want me to raise Alexander? Dead or alive you are coming with me. - Robocop Dear Gypsy how are you? I am fine -Gypsy w/Frank's letter Deaf exp #13: (to interpreter) "Doe s/he understand what I'm saying?" Deanna: I feel [insert emotion of choice here], out there Dear Santa, been good, want *FAST* modem! Deanna: You're one to tell me what I can and can't sense Dear IBM: Hate you, hate OS/2, took your money and ran. - Bill Gates Deaf exp #25: "So why are you deaf?" Dean's character is the hedonist of the show. -- Dorleac Deanna: Chocolate is serious business Dead; he's electroencephalographically challenged! Deanna: A penny for your thoughts. $20 to act it out Dealing with failure is easy Deanna, I have a headache, please report to my quarters! Deanna: A chocolate sundae! .. how did you know?! Deanna: Still no help for the Klingon Deaf exp # 3: Watching the hearing person making wierd & crazy gestures Dead men don't need pencils. Or any thing else for that matter Deanna Troi: Goddess of THE ENTERPRISE! Death does not come without a cause. Deanna, leave DATA's floppy disk alone Deanna: Did the table do something wrong Dear God, he's dull. -- Tom Servo Deanna: Captain, I sense he is staring at my cleavage! Deanna: DaiMon Tog is extremely... relaxed right now Deanna: There doesn't seem to be a Klingon word for joll Death before Disembodiment! Death and taxes you can be certain of eventually!! [End Tags] --------------------------------------------------- Message sent by SqTool version 12 --- SQtools * Origin: -GG/W18- ( 2:313/37.79) --------------- FIDO MESSAGE AREA==> TOPIC: 255 TAGLINES Ref: EGJ00024 Date: 12/14/97 From: GOTTFRIED GIDALY Time: 09:33am \/To: ALL (Read 2 times) Subj: Taglines --------------------------------------------------- [Begin Tags] Deanna: Oh, Worf! It's got little ridges! Deanna Troi a must see for non-Trekkers Death and comic books----AKA oil and water Dear Lorena Bobbitt: Send it to me. Thanks, Jeffrey Dahmer Death before dishonor, neither before breakfast Death and taxes are both certain, but death isn't an annual event Death by drowning Death - a negative patient-care outcome Deanna: Let me help you relax - Death and taxes may both be certain, but at least death isn't annual Deanna: Mother, that's enough! Deanna: Don't cry on my shoulder; I'm off-duty Deanna: I sense a commercial comming Deanna: Will, I don't know how, but you're having a bad beard day! Death awaits you all with big and nasty pointy teeth. - Tim Dead skunk in the middle of the road, stinking up the highway Deal with it, joyless prole! -- Dr. Forrester Deadly Ninja Dirty Socks of Death Dear Jean-Luc - hate you, hate the UFP, taking Vash -- Q Deaf exp #6: "Can you hear me at all?" Deaf exp #40: "What's it like to be deaf?" Dear Limbaugh: Can't we all just get along? Dear Santa:A twelve pack,remote control,and sex once a week Dear FAT, don't eat so many BYTES Deanna: Why does everyone keep bringing me chocolates DEATH: A punishment to some, to some a gift, and to many a favor Deanna: Are we at war with the Ferengi yet? Dear, you've lost you birth control pills, said Tom pregnantly Dear God! Who is Merritt Stone?!?! - Frank screams Dead?...What a shame!...and on such a beautiful day, too Dead Men Tell No Tales Dear, why is there White Out on the monitor? Deaf exp #33: "Do you know that you talk funny?" Deaf exp #27: "I thought deaf people can't talk." Dear God- what did I do do deserve all THIS??? Deaf? Call 1-800-HEARING for free information Deanna: Sir, I've been meaning to discuss these feeling Deadheads DID IT with Jerry Dear, can you have the kids leave the scalps alone? Death has the key to open the miser chest. --Ashanti Deadly embrace: making love to King Kong Dear Jean-Luc, Hate the UFP, Hate you, Taking Vash. - Q Dean: A minus sign in the table means a DECLINE. -12% Death before Political Correctness Deanna: That does it. I'm introducing you to my mother Deanna: No Ensign, you may NOT tap my commbadge for me Dead, stiff, corked it, doin' the dirt dance Deadly ninja throwing button Dear Auntie Em, hate you, hate Kansas, taking the dog Dear God, what have I done?! -- TV's Frank Dear Penthouse Forum: I am an avg. stuffed animal - Tom Death and his dog- Fetch...heel...play dead Spot? Spot? Deanna: Captain, I sense a commercial comming Deanna: I'll have you ejected into space! Deanna: Captain! I am sensing something painfully obvious Deanna, tell me... do you like to... experiment? -- Beverly Deanna: I don't care if you do know how to DO IT, wesley! Deanna: I sure smell bad after wearing these leathers Dear Lorena Bobbitt, send it to me. - Jeffrey Dahlmer Death doesn't mean you're dead. Just ask Denise Crosby Dear God...Protect Me From Your so-called "followers" Death before dishonor, but neither before noon DeanOfCardassianLawSchoolAndPartTimeEntertainmentCoordinator Dear Xavier: Hate you, hate X-Men, took the dragon. Kitty Deanna: That does it. I'm introducing you to my hedgehog Dear Jean-Luc: Hate you, hate Starfleet, took Vash. - Q Deanna: I'm a counsellor, not a contortionist! Death by..uh Saw off his tweeter! - Butthead 'n Lorena Bobbit Death by asphyxiation, or death by radiation poisoning. - Kirk Dead Men's Eyes (Rage On) -- Viper Death before dishonor, but neither before breakfast Deanna, I have been experiencing these dreams ... Data Deanna: Will, I picked this uniform just for you Death & his dog - "Fetch...heel...play dead" "Spot? Spot?" Deanna please marry me Death before acquistion! Death benefits = oxymoron Dead Paint .Is this the stuff I scraped off the old house Deanna: Captain, exactly how much cleavage will they allow? Dear Orville, before landing OPEN your landing gear, will you? Dear Lorena Bobbitt, send it to me. (Jeffery Dalhmer) Deanna Troi tries to read my mind and sees Taglines Deanna: What do you mean, 'sense this!'? Deaf exp #31: "We're not required on getting you an interpreter!" Deanna: I smell bad after wearing these feathers! DEALING WITH JAIL by Ben Dover Deanna: I feel pain! Anguish! No, that's just Kira again Deanna: You could have easily been right Dear Landlord. The Roachs here are entirely too cocky!!!! Deanna: I need a bath. You have the bridge Dealing With Mistakes - by E. Ray Sur Dear Diary: "What a day it's been." Death destroys man; the idea of Death saves him. --E. Forster Deanna: Muzzle it! Deanna tries to read my mind and sees YATI's Dead or Alive, Big or Small, Liberals will tax them all! Deanna, when the frosting is mint Death has no quotes! Deanna: He made a pass at me. A good one Deanna: I am the Goddess of Apathy....Who cares [End Tags]