--------------- FIDO MESSAGE AREA==> TOPIC: 255 TAGLINES Ref: EGJ00018 Date: 12/13/97 From: GOTTFRIED GIDALY Time: 08:49am \/To: ALL (Read 2 times) Subj: Taglines --------------------------------------------------- [Begin Tags] Dawn, n.: The time when men of reason go to bed Day after tomorrow is the third day of the rest of your life D&D Treasure: +3 Dwarven Thrower - magical hammer that hurls dwarves Date: Wednesday, 06-Nov-96 08:36 AM Data to Picard: "No I do NOT run Windows '95!" Dead criminals just cannot re offend - worth a thought? Data: "YES!!!!!" Dax: just another slug with a pretty face David Vincent was right! Dave? What's the difference between soup and gravy? Data. Where are you taking him? - Picard Data: You are right, sir. I do tend to babble Dave, put down those Windows disks. Dave... DAVE! - HAL 9000 Dateline: ENERGIZER BUNNY ARRESTED! Charged with Battery D&D Quote: "Great. Just what we need. A manic bard who can't sing." Data: You are half human? Data, you are moving about in a very, well, android way. - Picard Davey Crocket, Peter Pan, Elvis Presley, Disneyland Dead, Dead, Dead, "Wait, I'm not quite dead yet" (*WHACK*), Dead Data. This ought to do it. La Forge D.C.: Drugs and Crime. And that's just congress Data wakes up with Kickstart 4.0 Dax: It is a good day to die Data threw up? Something about a data overflow error DCLXVI - Ille numerus bestia Dating is like Geometry: If you've got the curves, I've g Date a woman who could bench press me - Crow Data/Spock in '96 - the Logical Choice! Dax, did you tell him about that slug inside of you? Daytona Beach. 'I've fallen and can't reach my beer!' Dat's CRA-ZEE, man! - Ren Hoek DBL: Desegregate Bus Lines Date: Wed, 04 Oct 1995 19:11:02 Dead blonde in a closet? Winner of '95 Hide & Seek Award David Koresh's last words: "No, I said a *Bud* Light!" DC> If you want TNG, DS9 or STV taglines let me know Day, night. Drink enough caffeine and it's all the same Dead? Could be anywhere then. Hmph. - Aughra Davorike dajke, davorike dajke, davorike daj, daj, daj Date an alien...it could be quite a Trill DBZ: Divide By Zero Dawn crept silently across the yard... searching for her car keys DavisonDOS 5.0: (S)mile (B)e charming (T)hrow cricket ball David Hume could out-consume Wilhelm Freidrich Hegel DAY10 activates the 10th of any month Data: Toot toot Tootsie, Goodbye! D: Detonate Dax/Odo '96. Leadership that adapts! D&D Question - "How many hit points does being sat on by a dragon do?" DAUGHTER.COM not working, MALL.EXE open. Auto Encrypting $$$.BAT David: I was wrong about you, and I'm sorry Day 2,094 of 1,000,000 days in tryout period D-chan! Go Wei-o! - From the film Vampire Hunter'D' Dating is optional, not a requirement of the Fl Singles! David Hume could out-consume Schopenhaur and Schegal Days since last Scandal: 0 Davidians become Boy Scouts? Data, you just made a contraction! No, I didn't! Da znam ko je zajebao stvar,odsekao bih mu i drugu nogu Day 21 of waiting for my USR Sportster V.34 chip Dawn: The time when people of reason go to bed Dave...stop Dave...I feel my mind going...Daisy Daisy Day 10. Missed call. I THINK I KILLED A MAN? - Tom Dax: Try a high-powered sonic shower Bashir: I did Dax/Odo '96: Leaders who can *really* change! Dead blonde in a closet? Winner of 1987 Hide and Seek Award David - He cheated Dawn came too soon, she mourned Dawn: time of day that modemers go to bed DavrosDOS 1.0: (D)rool (P)ush red button with arthritic hand de(F)rost David Skaggs, Congressman (Col.), was an Eagle Scout DaxDOS v6.22: (A)bort (R)etry (B)lather About Previous Hosts David: You never have faced a death Dax-"Julian,you are a wonderful friend.." Bashir- Dawn: The time when men of reason go to bed David: I'm proud, very proud to be your son Data, we can't get in! Data! DATA!! - La Forge David Gersic only uses Blue Wave on days that end in "y." Days and you will have *MUCH* David Lynch only ASPIRES to make something this crazy! - Joel DEAD END STREET renamed to NO OUTLET,it is not as morbid? Data to Picard: No, Captain, I do NOT run Windows Daugherty's Law: Temporary things tend to become permanent Dead blond in a closet? Winner of 1987 Hide & Seek Award Dazzling around thy skirts like a Serpent of precious stones Dax: Kira, how many people did you kill? Dax D just another slug with a pretty face David Hartman is an ugly, ugly man - Crow DB: Drop Bits DC> 2) He's/She's Dead JIM!! Dax: Benjamin, will you *please* stop calling me 'Old Man?' DAVE, I REALLY THINK I'M ENTITLED TO AN ANSWER TO THAT QUESTION DC National CT - you have been cleared to crash into the whitehouse DC Comics Page www.dccomics.com DAVE . . . MY MIND IS GOING David Duke: Same old sheet Days full of fun; days full of youth; 6 parts Gin to 1 part Vermouth Dateline NY Enraged Cow Goes After Unsuspecting Farmer With Gun Date: 12-0995 Msg # 6915 Data: What have I forgotten? [End Tags] --------------------------------------------------- Message sent by SqTool version 12 --- SQtools * Origin: -GG/W18- ( 2:313/37.79) --------------- FIDO MESSAGE AREA==> TOPIC: 255 TAGLINES Ref: EGJ00019 Date: 12/13/97 From: GOTTFRIED GIDALY Time: 08:50am \/To: ALL (Read 2 times) Subj: Taglines --------------------------------------------------- [Begin Tags] Day-O. Daaaaaayyyy-Oh. -Harry Belafonte Date: 08-02-95 (22:01) Number: 300 David Blocker for Fido Pro-Wrestling's Hall of Fame! D&D Famous Last Words: "Dragon? What Dragon?" Dead chemist doctor Barium when he can't Curium. He should Helium Dax/Odo '96. Leadership that can adapt! Date: Thursday, 07-Nov-96 08:07 AM Davey: Couple billion megawatts. Virginia Power loved us Dawn take you all - and be STONE to you! - Gandalf DCAD: Dump Core And Die David Duke - A Nazi in Conservative Clothing! Dax Burger Deluxe: Has been five other burgers before Data: Spot does not respond to verbal commands DD>Anyone have a good list of NO CARRIER tags? Here are some: Data: "The enemy ship has a weakness. It is running Tandy hardware." D D D D D Tie-Fighters approaching! D D D D D Data uses Energizers! His mouth keeps going, and going, and DBASE XXVII - We *FINALLY* got it Right! Dax: Am I really that submissive Julian? D&D: Democrats & Dragons, Everyone Should Play Datawill you be all right? - Riker Data: Was I making noise, sir? Dave, put those Windows disks down... Dave... DAVE! David Lynch: Normalcy is a straight-away path to boredom DBasers do it in fields Dave Hardcastle visiting Britains best BBS on 07 Aug 94 David Caruso - 1994 Riverside Park Speedway Pro-Stock Champion Davey had the IQ of a box turtle - Crow David Scherer, for all your insurance needs - Mike Dave-thought you'd like the Art Dead fish go with the flow Data, that was not funny! - Geordi ST:G Data, watch my behind!--Tasha Yar Dave Lister: Homo Sapien - Barely Human DBN Doing Business, NOT Dawn: The time when Vampires go to sleep Dax/Odo in '96 - Leadership that can adapt! Data to Picard: I DON'T do Windows David Duke: He climbs into bed and he's in uniform Davy Allison: 1961 - 1993; You'll Be Sorely Missed David Koresh's last words: "Ooops! E DOES EQUAL Mc! AGGGHHHH!" David Proper joins the echo. Moderator has a link cut party Day 609 of the Raw Deal (Day 628 - Rich & Dead) Dave, I could see your lips move. - HAL Dave and his DOGS, going out to chase KATS DBASE users do it in record numbers in the fields Dating: women have option to pursue, men have the expectation Dawn crept silently across the yard, searching for her redheaded slave Days like this don't let you savour a bad mood. -Calvin David danced before the LORD with all his might-2Sam 6:14 Dave Harper has been caught stealing taglines again Day's Witticism: I'm so bad that I vacation in Flint, Michigan Dax Burger: Has been 5 other burgers before Dax and Odo - leaders who can _really_ change Davis' Answer to Roger's Law: Serving coffee on an aircraft causes turbulence Data: That was the stun setting. This is not Data! What was that? - Picard DAVID H. LAWRENCE - D. Ceased Dave, put down those Windows disks. Dave...DAVE! said Hal DDD Direct Distance Dial (as in the phone system) D&C - Where Washington is Data, what is it with the hair, anyway? AGT Ddolittle@frappy.brewich.com - E-mail me for the Star Wars RPG list! D-Cell: where day put de prisoner Dax, I just put another shrimp on the barbie. Dax? Dax?? Dax went through the wormhole and all I got was this lousy T-shirt! Date: Wed, 29 Nov 95 23:24:00 -0820 David Hartman is a neck with face and eyes... -- Tom Servo DDWB: Deposit Directly in Waste Basket Dead chemists doctors Barium when they can't Curium. They should Helium Dax: No Julian, you CANNOT see if the spots go all the way down Data/Spock 'October-93 the Logical Choice! David Koreschs' favorite song: C'mon baby lite my fire! Dead criminals can't become repeat offenders. Support the Death Penalty! D&D players DO IT for the experience points Data was available. I took him, we came. - Commander Shelby D&Ders of Borg paint dice pips on the sides of their ships David David Hartman is a neck with face & eyes - Tom Date: Tuesday, 10-Dec-96 08:25 PM Day and night cannot dwell together. --Chief Seattle D&D Rule: +5 Platemail only comes in two sizes, too large & too small Dave oh Dave, wherefore art thou Dave? DCT: Drop Cards Triple Dave Bowman at the Kremlin: "My God, it's full of Czars!" DDT: Debug Program Dead birds don't fall out of nests Dawn: the reason why her lover GOES to bed! Data: Vamoose, ya little varmint! D.C.'s Geriatric Park: Home of Arkansaurus Taxanspendus! David Lee Roth thinks we're much too loud Dawn, nature's gentle hint that it's time for bed Davidian candy: Full of nuts and won't come out of the wrapper Dead Athiest: All dressed up and nowhere to go! Data: Very humorous, indeed. Hysterical, in fact Dead blond in a closet? Winner of @YEAR@ Hide & Seek Award Dave Hardcastle running up the phone bill!! Data, you're walking so, so android like! -- Picard David Letterman is my hero Dat certain race from a certain sector: da Borg. DA BORG! [End Tags] --------------------------------------------------- Message sent by SqTool version 12 --- SQtools * Origin: -GG/W18- ( 2:313/37.79) --------------- FIDO MESSAGE AREA==> TOPIC: 255 TAGLINES Ref: EGJ00020 Date: 12/13/97 From: GOTTFRIED GIDALY Time: 08:50am \/To: ALL (Read 2 times) Subj: Taglines --------------------------------------------------- [Begin Tags] D-d-don't touch that! - Tom on kid in shower Da#$# That synthahol doesn't work in Mr. Fusion! - Doc Brown Datsun: Detroit's Angry Towards Sneaky Unscrupulous Nips Dead criminals can't be repeat offenders. Support the Death Penalty! Day 8. Missed call. Can't keep anything down. -- Crow Dave? I feel my mind going, Dave Dead chemists-doctor barium when they can't Curium. They should Helium Daughter obsesses with the flowers - Crow Dave. Are you familiar with reality? - Crow Data: Sorry, Commander, but I must decline Date rape: a crime, misunderstanding, OR buyer's remorse Day destroys the night , night divides the day try to run try to hide Data uses Energizers his mouth keeps going, and going, and going Dax & Odo in '96. Leadership that adapts! Dave. My mind. It's going. Have you heard of the 'Global Flood?' Data: You've had a considerable spectrum of occupations Data, sometimes a cake is just a cake. - Troi David Letterman is great DDT did a real job on me/Now I am a real sick-ee...  Ramones  Dead doctors Barium when they can't Curium. They should Helium Data: Vamoose, ya liddle varmint! Dazed and confused for so long it's not true DCI: Disk Crash Immediate Data: This is the current rewrite of 'Ode to Spot.' Dating processes are dependent on the analysis of rocks Data: You could say I have a magnetic personality Day++; dollar--; Sigh(); Da usne moje osete tvoje u senci naseg kestena Dax: Could you tell me where the tennis courts are? Data: We had a fraction for a ZIP code Day 2,961 of 10,000,000 days in trial period Dead Atheist: All dressed up and nowhere to go! D-cons are like rust spots; they're ugly and they can pop up anywhere Dave, my mind. It's going. Hey! Let me tell you about Jesus DC's Offical Bird: Yellow-bellied Tax-sucking Liberalus Hypocritus Day 5. Missed call. Finally got script -Tom as Palance Dax - n., having or to have a large tapeworm Daughter of a demon lover, Empress of the hidden face -RUSH Day 942 and Rush still hasn't got any David Rice: member of the moral minority (i.e. atheist) Dead Finks Don't Talk -ENO DCBP: Detonate Chair on Bad Password Date : Mon Dec 09, 11:14 Data: They would rather kill each other than any of us David Duke Virus: Makes your screen go completely white Days spent at ST conventions don't count against your life span Dead -- Earthworm Enhanced DAZE: The opposite of nights David Duke: Sheet for brains Days are gone-New life's begun-On they'll runMachines DCWPDGD: Drink Coffee, Write Program, Debug, Get Drunk Day after day, night after night, loneliness creeps in her window Dead finks don't walk that well; bad sense of direction Dead embryos. They're not just for breakfast anymore Dead fish don't blow bubbles Da trouble wit computers is, dey got no sense of humor Data: That is impossible. My timing is digital DB-) baseball cap and shades Daylight come and me wanna go home... -=- Data takes over after installing ego chip Dat is not duh @#$%*! way to do it, Tom discussed Data You want me to take off your head? -- Riker Day after day, love turns gray, like the skin on a dying man Data, Worf, Your With Me. - Riker Daytime TV: Punishment for workers who stay home when they're not really ick Day 3. Missed call. Wandered into shot -Mike as Palance DDC: Dally During Calculations Davey I need to know where your dental records are - Crow Days like these let you savor a bad mood. - Calvin DDS: Delaminate Disk Surface DD: Destroy Disk Dead? Depressed?....Then why not come along to the FRESH START CLUB Data to Piccard : No Sir, I do not run Windows ! Day:=Day+1; Dollar:=Dollar+1; Daughters are special people Day after - "I freed WHO? - Abe Lincoln Data to Picard: Captain, I do NOT run windows! Dax to Bashir: "Quit hitting on me or I'll SLUG you!" Data: "Take my Worf, please." Date: Monday, 25-Nov-96 09:14 PM DCLXVI - numeral of the beast Day after day, love turns grey..." Pink Floyd DCE seeks DTE for mutual exchange of data Dave Hardcastle visiting Britains best BBS David Brown is on Altair-4 Days of striving, nights of novacaine... - Bruce Cockburn Data: There may be a correlation between humor and sex Dead Chihuahuas still look like large rats Dax: It's never a good day when it's a friend DC: Divide and Conquer Data: You must tell him he is a pretty cat, a good cat DAX: MACE WON'T HURT ME JULIAN: IT'S NOT MACE, IT'S RAID Dead Deer in Road: Food for weeks DAT is good ! Dave, my mind is going, I'm afraid D*c*f!?!?Now listen,there's no need to resort 2 profanity Data, what are you doing - Troi Hold very still counciler Data D&D Quote: "Beware of magicians, they manifest anger in strange ways." Data! What are you doing to that cat? - Troi David Duchovny Estrogen Brigade, X-Phile Illuminati [End Tags] --------------------------------------------------- Message sent by SqTool version 12 --- SQtools * Origin: -GG/W18- ( 2:313/37.79) --------------- FIDO MESSAGE AREA==> TOPIC: 255 TAGLINES Ref: EGJ00021 Date: 12/14/97 From: GOTTFRIED GIDALY Time: 09:31am \/To: ALL (Read 2 times) Subj: Taglines