--------------- FIDO MESSAGE AREA==> TOPIC: 255 TAGLINES Ref: EGH00065 Date: 12/07/97 From: GOTTFRIED GIDALY Time: 09:22am \/To: ALL (Read 2 times) Subj: Taglines --------------------------------------------------- [Begin Tags] Count your chickens before they hatch & afterward to please your CPA Counselor Troi to Lt. Edwards, meet me in holodeck 2 Country: The Special Olympics of music Couldn't resist Covek je jedna jebena stvar, narocito ako je zena Counterspell: "No."(Said very dispassionately as dropped on the table.) Couldn't you hang me instead? - Duncan Cracken's Rebel Field Guide - By West End Games Crazed Techie Crossing Cow hearing his master's voice Cover meI'm going to the stamp machine! Cousins marrying cousins: They ARE Rednecks! Count De La Pain. -- Crow T. Robot Crack gangs fill in forms for guns.... Sure Could be an ever-opening flower Counselor Troi, please report to my room. Clothing optional Counsellor, take off that uniform, and put that tight dress back on! Crannnnnnberry sauce Crayola just came out with a new color. Michael White Couldn't they get Rush Limbaugh? -- Tom Servo Country Music: the Special Olympics of the music industry Coup de grace - French for lawnmower Cows in space - The herd shot round the world Could someone in cyberspace think I'm special?? Could you be a little more vague? -- Tom Servo Could we have a sense of scale, here? -- Joel Robinson Created with only the finest hand crafted ASCII Could you check again? My name MUST be there Counts. ... Does Data have a Pentium Overdrive upgrade Cowards can never be moral Craziness has nothing to do with reality Couldn't have sid it better myself Could you be a little more vague, counselor? Countesses do it excellently Crazed maniacs have super-human strength Crazy as a loon Counselor, may I -uh- use your combadge? Crazy Horse didn't drink Court, n.: A place where they dispense with justice Could you explain again why I do all the work? -- Crow Could the present moment be postponed til I'm ready? Courtesy is the lubricant of social interaction. - Robert A. Heinlein Crazy Monkey Love Crap: What you'll find in a dyslexic fisherman's cooler Could I interest you in some fine imported tikis? Court Reporters DO IT on a trial basis Could you continue the petty bickering? --Data Coyote liberal: chews off three limbs, & still in trap! Crack kills!! Pull up your pants @TOFIRST@!!! Could you leave the dressing room door open? Could you please be a bit less specific? Counselor Troi with a marguerita on the beach at Tenagra Cousins marrying cousins makes for VERY tangled roots! Counting with the ACLU: 1, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10 Could have been worse. Could have been me. -- Bashir Could we just go please? -- Tom Servo Cowards take hostages, Klingons do not.--Worf Count Dracula - your Bloody Mary is ready Cowboys do it with cowpokes Cover her face; mine eyes dazzle; she died young. /Lestat Courage is resitance to fear, mastery of fear - not absence of fear Could you hand me a gowpen of water please Count Jugula! Wow! -- Crow T. Robot Cpl. Paterson is a COWARD! Country 92.5 FM.. more hicks than YOU know what to do with! -Hacker Crayons can take you more places than starships. * Guinan Cowboys do it in the Saddle! Created with the No. 1 Rated HTML editor - "vi" Courtesy is contagious Could be the news or some other amusement, could be reusable shows Crazy is such a strong word,I prefer mentally over stimulated Counselar Troi, please report to my room. Clothing optional Couldn't you just crash a little bit? C'mon! -- Tom Servo Could someone please define "powerful forces"? Crap, I'm locked outta' my car. -- Mike Nelson Covek je kao vino - Bolji je kad odlezi Count Spatula's a food sucking vampire Crazy as all get out Cream rises to the top! Then again, so do dead fish Cover my face as the animals die Crazy way to travel Counting in binary is just like counting in decimal if yo Craig oh Craig, wherefore art thou oh Craig? Counterfeit PC-cillin found in Bangkok Thailand Courage is resistance to & mastery of fear... not the absence of it Cows in orbit: The herd shot around the world Could we just get on with it please? -- TV's Frank Crackdown: Lauren Order Could I borrow a cup of sugar and a few megs of RAM? Council of Twelve? Who's Twelve? Courage's just something you can't be afraid to have, Frank Burns Counter-intuitive orthogonal paradigms should be avoided Cowboys do it in herds Country song: If Yew Wasn't Here, Yew'd Done Be Gone...Darlin' Crazy, I'm going' Craaaz Cows wear bells because their horns don't work! Craig! Did you, or did you NOT order the Code Red?!? Courage is looking at your adversaries with kindness Courtesy and good manners are a real bargain - Free! Crack hits the Old West... -- Tom Servo [End Tags] --------------------------------------------------- Message sent by SqTool version 12 --- SQtools * Origin: -GG/W18- ( 2:313/37.79) --------------- FIDO MESSAGE AREA==> TOPIC: 255 TAGLINES Ref: EGH00066 Date: 12/08/97 From: GOTTFRIED GIDALY Time: 09:31am \/To: ALL (Read 2 times) Subj: Taglines --------------------------------------------------- [Begin Tags] Cthulhu in 96: Screw the environment Crude, immoral, vulgar, senseless - but oh, what fun! Crucify - Tori Amos Cthulhu cthucks but does it cthallow? Crow: Think of all the burritos they sell in this town! Crude Outdated Boring Obsolete Language Cthulu '96-This time, why vote for the lesser of two evils? Cthulhu loves you, on a bun, with ketchup Cthulhu in '92. Why vote for a lesser evil? Cthulhu is...*!%$#!@NO CARRIER Cultists in Waco do it to death Cuddle Bunnies have a great life! Cry For The Nations -- Michael Schenker Group Cthulhu is a pawn of Barney! Curiosity didn't kill the cat--I got him with a 12 gauge Cuio i Pheriain anann! Aglar'ni Pheriannath! Cthulhu in '96, when you're *tired* of voting for the lesser evil Cud je zenska, smijesna rabota Cue flying saucer! - Ed Wood Cunnilinguini: a pasta dish for seafood lovers Cucumbers don't have to smoke afterwards Crow: Will Rogers Institute * Mike: Roy Rogers Institute Cthulhu calls his shots Crow: You saw Jesus? * Tom: Yeh, real nice guy Cthulhu Tequila...the Worm Eats You Cry Havoc! And let loose the dogs of war! Cthulhu C'thuckth! Cthulhu for President -- for when you're tired of choosing the _lesser_ of the two evils Cunning: a characteristic of animals which is called discretion in me Cry Havoc! And let slip the taglines of war! W. Tagspeare Cthulhu loathes the little children Cry SQUEEK and let loose the four ferrets of the apocalypse Cucumbers never make stupid excuses about "working late at the office" Cucumbers won't leave you for: other women, other men, other cucumbers Cthulhu isn't rea*!%$#!@NO CARRIER Crow T. Robot: Crying Game? The chick had a d--! * Mike: HEY!!!! Cry 'havoc!' and let slip the dogs of war. J.C. 3.1.274 Cure for Windows: Type `FORMAT C: /S /U' at DOS prompt Crunchy Granola: Edible piano Cult that specializes in lingerie: Panty-costals Cthulhuahua - Small yet terrifyingly hideous Great Old One Cthulhu: More evil, fewer vowels Cucumbers never want to take you home to mom Cult that vows to get even: Avengalists Cthulu with Dragon. Not all will work, mind you, but some will Cult that specializes in certain male toiletries: Mennenites Cry Bother and call forth the four Poohs of the Apocalypse! Crystal Gravy - Now you can SEE your meat Cruickshank's Law #6: Never argue with the bouncer Culture is what your butcher would have if he were a surgeon Cry RIBBETT!!! And let slip the Frogs of War! Cthulhu is Horror from Beyond the Before Cry havoc! And let slip the dogs of Genevieve Neyland! Crow! You gotta snap outta Shatner - Joel Cthulhu? I goose it! Crow: What a brilliant bon mote * Mike: Very witty Curbpie: A hubcap on the side of the road Cry heard during Hockey Player sex: "PUCK ME, BABY, PUCK ME!!!!!" Cry Shhhh! and slip quietly out the Dragon's door Cruisin' @ 899,942,400,000 furlongs / fortnight Crystals... the microwave of religion Cucumbers won't ask "Am I the best?" "Did you come? How many times?" Curioser and curioser! Crucifixion? Yeah. Ok take one cross each and line up to the left Cure for spurned lovers: broken heart surgery Cthulhu '96! Vote for The Old Party, and they'll *END ALL* problems Cult that worships bedsheets: Muslins Cry FUBS and let loose the Fidopuppies of War. :^) Cthulhu Savesin case he gets hungry later Cure Windows problems fast: 5 pounds of plastique Cry to me, cry to me, who's the crybaby now/Cry to me...  Utopia  Cthulhu: it's the surreal thing Cubic ball bearing Cthulhu's just a fish out of water Cry Tim-ber! and let slip the logs of war Cthulhu Saves! He might be hungry later, after all Cult that shuns scissors and razors: Hairy Krishnas Cthulhu Tequila: at the end, the worm swallows you! Culture is roughly anything we do and the monkeys don't Cthuloops! Cure for Insomnia Discovered !!! - RTFM'ing Cthulhu for President! Vote the Elder Party platform! Crusher: Worf, have you seen Wesley? ... Worf: No, I have\SLMR\TAGLIN Cthulhu now co-moderates this conference Cthulhu calls, he calls collect Cthulhu calls............. COLLECT! Crow: Too stupid to live * Tom: Too young to die Cure for a sore throat: cut it. - A. Hitchcock Curiosity didn't kill the cat...got 'em with a 12 gauge! Cthulhu Tequila! This Time The Worm Eats You! Crusher gets more shrill with every passing year. --Q Cthulhu sleeps at R'lyeh, but vacations in Cascadia Cry "Cheeble" and let slip the guinea pigs of war!! Cthulhu isn't really his name, he has a speech impediment Crow: Uh, honey, I'm ready again Cthulhu Saves...for when he's really hungry Cure for liberals: Stop lying, stop listening to liars Cthulhu in 96: Vote for The Elder Party, and they'll end ALL problems Cry Mr. Christian! and let slip the flogs of war Cub fan? We can help. DIAL 800-NO-SERIES [End Tags] --------------------------------------------------- Message sent by SqTool version 12 --- SQtools * Origin: -GG/W18- ( 2:313/37.79) --------------- FIDO MESSAGE AREA==> TOPIC: 255 TAGLINES Ref: EGH00067 Date: 12/08/97 From: GOTTFRIED GIDALY Time: 09:31am \/To: ALL (Read 2 times) Subj: Taglines --------------------------------------------------- [Begin Tags] Cult that prays standing in running water: Creek Orthodox Culture owes its peaks to politically weak ages. - Nietzsche Cthulhu Calls - using AT&T Cujo came in for a checkup the other day Cry "YATI!", and let slip the nitpickers of war! Crusher: Worf, you seen Wesley? Worf: I haven't. Cthulhu: for when only the Darkest would Do Crunch. Crackle. Crunch - Tom as guy touches girls hair Cthulhu loves the little children of the world Curds are whey out Cthulhu: Why vote for the lesser of two evils? Crying back to conciousness the coldness grips my skin -RUSH Cucumbers never go through mid-life crisis Curiosity didn't kill the cat. I got him with the mower Crude and slow, Clansman. - Ramirez Cryptosporidia: The bug that made Milwaukee famous Curiosity didn't kill the cat. I got `em with the mower Crow: Tissue paper! Tissue paper! Cry ham hock!, and let slip the hogs of war! Cthulhu Wrangler: Marlon Perkins Crying: strengthens immune system by cleansing impurities Cthulhu Savesin case he's hungry later! Crow: Who told you that about Tom? Ctivates Friday the 13th Cthulhu for PM: Vote for Elder Party and be last victim! Cthulhu! You've been told not to bite the readers! Cthulhu loves you - baked, boiled, or fried! Cry "Santhemum!" and loose the Florists of War! Cthulhu will awaken in 24 hours. Have a nice day Crusher gets more shrill with each passing year -- Q Cry 'BANANA!' and let slip the clowns of war! Cry Cheeble! and let loose the hamsters of war! Cucumbers will never tell you a vasectomy will ruin it for them Crow, you are out there, man. -- Joel Robinson Cuj, ispravi kicmu, u glavu ga drkni, pokazi mu zube i ponosno crkni Cucumbers are Better: Cucumbers have fewer calories Cry *squeek* and let loose the ferrets of war! Crpld Tagln. For the full versionPLEAESE REGISTER! Cthulhu c'thucks! _Our_ Moderator SAVED this Conference! Cunnilingus is not an airline Crow: While you're out, get me a Dove bar! And some smack! Cthulhu loves you, with ketchup on a sesame bun Crow:You went to college? * Mike:Actually it was Vo-Tech Crying back to consciousness the coldness grips my skin -RUSH Cthulhu, the only god worse than Yahweh Crystallographers do it with groups Curiosity didn't kill the cat...I got him with my 12 gauge! Culture is the conspiracy theory of intellectuals. -bh Crpld Tagln. For the full version... PLEASE REGISTER! Cthulhu. For When Only The Darkest Will Do Cry "Dook, Dook", and let slip the four ferrets of war! Cry NOT! Lest the chocolate melt Crusher: Worf, have you seen Wesley? ... Worf: No, I have Cure hiccups ... look at a Lesbian Cry Soooo-Eeeee, and let slip the hogs of war Cucumbers won't tell anyone that you aren't a virgin anymore Cult specializing in maps: Chartists Cthulhu is just an aka for "Moderator." Cucumbers are Better: Cucumbers won't give you a hangover Cucumbers never suffers from performance anxiety Cruicfy him... - Thulsa Doom Cthulhu Cthucklth, but doesn't Cthwallow Cthulhu Matata! Cthulhu is just an aka for Sysop Cry havoc and let slip the dogs of war! - Shakespeare Cthulhu at Microsoft: You will be assimil... ! Crow: Which idiot? * Joel: There's so many Cry havoc and let slip the Kats of war! -- Shakespeare Crusoe got everything done by Friday. Can you? Cucumbers don't play the guitar and try to find themselves Cthulhu Express: when it absolutely positively has 2 be an eldritch horror Cthulu cthucks, but does he cthwallow? Cthulhu loves me. This I know. In my dreams he tells me so Crusher: Worf, you seen Wesley? Worf: No, I haven't. Cry "Crunch!" and let loose the frogs of war Cthulhu's Diner: "I'd like some cthish and cthips." Cuprum: moonshine Cthulhu Fhtagn! Cruelty and fear shake hands together Cthulhu attended the Olympics. He likes fast food! Cupid is ANAL! - Crow Cthulhu cthucks! But does he cthwallow? Cthulhu for President: Why not vote for the Ultimate Evil? Crusher: Worf, have you seen Wesley? Worf: No, I haven' Cthulhu: Classic American Gothic Horror from the 1920-30's Ctrl-Alt-Del! That usually does the job for me! Cry MALOX! and let slip the chili dogs of war! Cucumbers stay hard for at least a week Cthulhu for President: Why choose the lesser evil? Crying: refuge of plain women; the ruin of pretty ones Crusty the Clown for President Cruickshank's Law #4: The only game that can't be rigged is peekaboo Cucumbers don't have sexual hangups Cry Up Spirits! and let's sip the grogs of war..! Crow: What's brown & sounds like a bell? * Tom:Robo drops Cthulhu is no damned g *!%$#!@ NO CARRIER Cultivate people and you turn up clods Cthulhu '96! Vote for The Ancient Party, they'll *END ALL* problems Crusin along in my automobile. My baby beside me Cucumbers never have head-aches [End Tags] --------------------------------------------------- Message sent by SqTool version 12 --- SQtools * Origin: -GG/W18- ( 2:313/37.79) --------------- FIDO MESSAGE AREA==> TOPIC: 255 TAGLINES Ref: EGH00068 Date: 12/08/97 From: GOTTFRIED GIDALY Time: 09:31am \/To: ALL (Read 2 times) Subj: Taglines