--------------------------------------------------- Message sent by SqTool version 12 --- SQtools * Origin: -GG/W18- ( 2:313/37.79) --------------- FIDO MESSAGE AREA==> TOPIC: 255 TAGLINES Ref: EGH00052 Date: 12/05/97 From: GOTTFRIED GIDALY Time: 07:45am \/To: ALL (Read 2 times) Subj: Taglines --------------------------------------------------- [Begin Tags] Conservatives *and* Liberals are Stage I parties Consider doubt as an invitation to think Construct a system that even a fool can use and only a fool will want to use it Conservative: A person with selfish motives Constable, would you stop doing that?! - Kira Connection Attempt #172 .....CONNECT 300... Connecticut, it's not just a state anymore, it's a suburub. - NYC Consistency is the last refuge of the unimaginative Conservative Rule #5: Anyone who disagrees with you is a fascist Conservatism: Civil rights, women's rights, gay rights -- all wrong! Conscience: A small voice that makes you feel smaller Consultant: Someone who knowns 101 ways to make love, but can't get a date Congress *isn't* 100% Democrat. Blame Republicans too! Conservatives: bravely willing to lay down your life for their country Conservatives don't sell out, liberals refuse to buy it Conradin made himself another piece of toast Conservatives must be good at something. But what? Conservatives aren't even as bright as an LED Conserve your precious hatred for the game! -- Apu Congratulations! You may already be a wiener! Congressional elections 1994: Conservatism resurgence? Wait and see Conservative: a liberal who was mugged by reality Contains a substantial amount of non-tobacco ingredients Conservative, and damn proud of it Consultation is a medical term meaning "share the wealth." Connect: 28800 City / 33600 Highway - Your actual CPS may vary Congress controls spending, Democrats control congress, Get the picture? Congress's going to dissolve us and vote in a new people Conservative idea #6 AIDS isn't a problem for society-at-large Conscience: the inner voice which warns us that someone may be looking Conservatives: Good with English, but poor at math Conquer your fear and you need fear no more. 8) Confusius says man with hands in pocket always on the ball Contains less than 2% USRDA for this echo Consider that a divorce - Total Recall Conservatives are color-blind ... liberals are not Conservative: Civil rights? What are ya, some kind of commie? Consider all the options and then guess Congressional National Bank. Ours bounce higher and farther! Congress' reality check just bounced, too! Con-grad-ulations! Graduating school Conservative idea #4: Reduce taxes on rich = trickle down prosperity Consultant(n): computer knucklehead with business cards Connie *was* expressing things as she saw them, from her point of view, Conserve Electricity - Support Lethal Injections Cong-rat-ulations: Vietnam rodent control team -Max Harless, High Point NC Conservative: Too narrowminded to imagine another could have point Conservativism: An exercise in futility Conrail: as long as we don't have to pick up, switch or deliver it Conservatives forget that Gingrich is *also* a draft-dodger Conservatives a problem? Try the Liberal fix. Throw money at us Conservatives: Can't live with 'em, can't shoot 'em Constructive Plagiarism! Consult the Book of Armaments, Chapter 2, Verses 9 to 21 Consultants Never Have _HUMBLE_ Opinions Congress - America's only Native Criminal Class Conservative: One who admires radicals long dead Conservative idea #5: De-regulating S&Ls won't cost taxpayers $$$$$ Conrail: as long as we don't have to pick it up or switch it Consequences, schmonsequences, as long as I'm rich. - Daffy Duck Conservative faith: Any problem can be solved with enough punishment Congratulations. - Q to Picard Constitutional Conversion Kit: Bill Clinton and a pen Coninseer of Chocolate!!!! Conservatism: Bad ideas in search of a bunch of suckers Conspiracy can never replace simple stupidity Conservative Christian Heterosexual Prolife American. Any questions? Conservative: one who prefers two men holding guns over holding hands Consult I CHING daily! C. MCMLXXXVIII JLPowers Consign their parts most private to a Rutland tree! -King Constitution: Not perfect, but it sure beats what we have Congratulations, you've won a free message from me! Conservatives musn't rest! Shift fire onto Clinton's Lap-Dog Media Consolations, Consultations, Conflagrations Consciousness: that annoying period between naps Conservative: one who admires the liberals of previous centuries Consequences, Schmonsequences, as long as I'm rich. -- Ali Baba Bunny [1957, Chuck Jones] Constantine VI (771-805): Emperor of Byzantium (780-797) Conservative support individual rights - Liberals want group rights Conspiracy theory: Humpty Dumpty was pushed Conservative idea #2: Lengthening jail times will solve crime Conservative: One who admires old, dead liberals Conservative theory:"It's a terrible thing to waste one's mind" -Quayl ConstantineConstantinewhere are you? -- Swamp Thing Conservative Rule #11: If quitting in a huff fails, see Rule #1 Congressmen DO IT by delegation Conserve water. Ban salted peanuts Constipated Pakleds: "We look for things, things Consider the facts, Orville, not your emotions Conservatives Republican Against Progress (C.R.A.P.) Conservative theory-Facts are stupid things -Reagan Contact with Evil-Hearted Man ended at Tuesday June 1995 Congressional Ethics is an oxymoron Connected? Press Alt-H to test your IQ Consider the facts, @TO@, not your emotions Connection termin...%$#@& - CARRIER, NOT Consent, not lying together, constitutes marriage Conservative Rule #1: When in doubt, tell a lie Consenting to sex is not a statement of intent to breed Contentiums - 586s owned by people who got replacement chips from Intel [End Tags] --------------------------------------------------- Message sent by SqTool version 12 --- SQtools * Origin: -GG/W18- ( 2:313/37.79) --------------- FIDO MESSAGE AREA==> TOPIC: 255 TAGLINES Ref: EGH00053 Date: 12/05/97 From: GOTTFRIED GIDALY Time: 07:46am \/To: ALL (Read 2 times) Subj: Taglines --------------------------------------------------- [Begin Tags] Conlige suspectos semper habitos Conservative's Rule #2: Anyone who disagrees is unAmerican Congress reminds us that not everything has a purpose Consumes hard drugs as vitamins Conservative Rule #7: Blame it on Carter and Clinton Connection Made. Place $.25 in slot on top of monitor! Consulate in the moment immediately succeeding this one Considered by many Conscience: the inner voice warning somebody is looking Conserve energy, don't think Conquistador Instant Coffee gives new meaning to the word "Vomit" Constantinopolitanischerdudelsackpfeipenmachergsellschaft Connecticut: You can be stopped by the police for biking over 65 miles per hour Consult the dictionery to avoid spelling mistakes Congratulations, you've just won 10 million dollars! Congratulate! I'll give 'em congratulate! - Shai-ster Contact with Evil-Hearted Man ended at %A %B %Y Connection between cow flatulence and...depletion of the ozone"FM Conquer yourself rather than the world Congratulations Rudy, you just staked out a roll of toilet paper Conservatives interpret the Constitution in a "liberal" way Conservative: One who admires old, dead radicals Consensus : Used to tell how many prisoners you have Conservative households - where hate is a family value Considering how Tim Horton died, should we eat Timbits? Congratulations! You have now used up another 250 hours of CPU time Consequences Schmonsequences, as long as I'm rich! Constitution Class Heavy Cruisers: NCC-1700 thru NCC-1711 Contains less than 2% of the US-RDA of these vitamins and minerals Conservative meaning.... It's a slip and slide Conservative's nightmare: running out of things to make illegal! Conservative logic: Facing the problem = condoning immorality Consider yourself hugged Confusius says man who goto bed with itchy bum wake up with brown finger Conservatives! We'll have to blast our way out Conrad's Conundrum: Technologies don't transfer Congress isn't doing its job: I still have some money! Conjecture: 1+1=1 (plus a small constant) Congratulations! Now you're ready the for Looser's Olympics! - Buzzcut Conscience is the inner voice that warns us somebody is looking Connections! Says Darryl Basner eats Shiitaki Mushrooms! Congradualtions, from the State of Illusion...or is that Allusion? Consider it considered! Constant change is here to stay; It will never die Connecticut: You are not allowed to walk across a street on your hands Conservative Rule #6: Lie about the past, then try to repeat it Contact with Evil-Hearted Man ended at @DAY@ @MONTH@ @YEAR@ Consider it job security. Kirk to Cyrano Jones Consistancy is the hobgoblin of little minds - Whitman Consciousness error. Wait for all brain activity to stop Constant change is here to stay Connecticut has 3 seasons: winter, summer and road construction Congress: Jurassic Park on the Potomac Conservative theory- Have the illiterate write to us for a free book Conserve Bureaucrats....HARVEST ONE TODAY! Conscience is God's presence in man Contains no user-serviceable parts Conservative Minds never rest! Prepare to shift fire onto Liberal Media Consider myself Moderated Conservatives fear you won't understand;liberals fear you will Conscience: The thing that aches when everything else feels good Consistency is the product of small minds. Merle P. Martin Conservative: A Liberal who's been mugged Conservatives: Expert at changing banks into land-holding businesses Contains less than 2% U.S. RDA for this newsgroup Conservative: one who'd rather have 9% unemployment than 6% inflation Consider it done, Boss.--Danny Davids Conjunction Junction, what's your function? Consider the times; look for Him who is above time. S. Ignatius Congress is full of crooks, theives and bandits Contemplating your afterlife, Pinky. - The Brain Constant exposure to dangers will breed contempt for them. -Seneca Conservatives: Because we care Congratulations! You may already be a whiner! Congress is like a cactus except the pricks are inside Conservatives rule Conservative Cruise Lines. Taking America For A Ride Constipated people just don't give a crap Consciousness: visualize whirled peas Conspicuslat - A maligned strip in a venetian blind Conservativism: The most gutless choice you can make Conserve energy -- make love more slowly Consider it a gift. - Zek Congenital (def.) - friendly Congratulations Clinton! Inhale to the chief! Congress: Just a few Conservatives away from working! Consular Troi, please report to my room. Clothing optional Congress: Prime example of Artificial Intelligence! Conscience gets alot of credit that belongs to cold feet Conservative's Rule #1: Rush is ALWAYS right! Congress robs not at gunpoint, but at penpoint Conner's Second Law: If something is confidential, it will be left in the copier Contemplatives are not useful, they are only indispensible. E. Dimnet Congregation, please be seated Conscience is the most changeable of rules Conscience makes egotists of us all. -- Oscar Wilde Conservative closet-queens bother me a LOT more than openly gay folks Congress: Just a few liberals away from working! Conserve a hunter....HARVEST ONE TODAY! Consider the facts, @TOFIRST@, not your emotions [End Tags] --------------------------------------------------- Message sent by SqTool version 12 --- SQtools * Origin: -GG/W18- ( 2:313/37.79) --------------- FIDO MESSAGE AREA==> TOPIC: 255 TAGLINES Ref: EGH00054 Date: 12/05/97 From: GOTTFRIED GIDALY Time: 07:47am \/To: ALL (Read 2 times) Subj: Taglines --------------------------------------------------- [Begin Tags] Conservativism supports the Invisible Hand. Liberalism..the IRON FIST! Conscience is God's presence in man. - Emanuel Swedenborg Conservative disaster-Dan Quayle's library burned,both books destroyed Congress: The Parliament of the Whores Consider this to be a preemptive, counter retaliatory strike Congress Happens! Consorting with lower rank females, Captain? Q Consciousness to programmer:Just another computer running Conservative, n: Someone who was saying it even before Rush Limbaugh Conservatives: Can't live with em... but they're easy to make fun of! Constipation - By Sid Ondapott Conservatism is the worship of dead revolutions Congress: The World Wasting Federation of Politics! Consult a psychic. [Lev. 19:31] Conspiracies, love 'em or live 'em Conn, sonar. We have a torpedo contact approach... #$!%$@% NO CARRIER Conservative: Deficit? Cut school lunch funds! Connections! BBS DNet/GNet 609/692-4126 Vineland NJ Congratulations! You are the one-millionth user to log into our system Conserve material: wear a mini-skirt today! Congressional marathon session [they got bad Chinese food & the runs] Contempt is the weapon of the weak. - Alice Miller Constitution; Bill of Rights; -- Void where prohibited by law Consult the Book of Armaments! Constants aren't. Variables don't. Imaginaries? Who knows Conserve water -- shower with a friend! Conscientious and careful: Scared -work evaluationese Conservatives destroy the Constitution and hide behind the flag Consider what might be fertilizing the greener grass across the fence Conserve electrons...Send short email messages Conservative theory:"We are the greatest planet on earth." -Quayle Congratulations, Data, it's a girl. ZIP--The Offspring Constrict - to build a rickety building Connie Chung - Liberal Media Specialist Congress: You earn it. We overspend it. You owe us more. Any questions Congratulations! You're the winner of a surprise tax-audit! Conscience is just the fear of getting caught. - Sheriff Buck Conquest is easy. Control is not. - Kirk Congress: Latin from: 'con' (a swindle) and 'digress' (off subject) Conservative: A Liberal who has been mugged Considering it's a Jewish holiday and I'm fasting, nope Conservative (we don't use that word) Congress: We got what it takes to take what you got Consider the facts, Orville Bullitt, not your emotions Constable Odo is REAL power in your pail Constant use will wear out anything - especially friends Constable Parrot ATE one of those!!! Congressional Term Limits: 1 in office, 1 in jail! Conquest is easy. Control is not. - James Tiberius Kirk Consult the Book of Armaments!' 'Armaments 3:9-21 Congress Virus: splits screen in 1/2, each side blames the other Consider all outcomes before taking a step, and spend your life on one leg Consider that a divorce Congratulations Orville Bullitt! You are now a Tagline! Congressman and former astronaut John Glenn was an Eagle Scout Connection to server has timed out. Reconnect? (y/n) Connect or no connect Constable...It's a nickname that I barely tolerate -- Odo Consult an expert. Ask your mom! Connecticut: Pickles must bounce, by law Conjugate Subjugate Lubricate Salivate Lactate Procreate! Conseve Power: turn Raiden off as you leave the room Consider yourself captured- Kim to Torres Connecticut: There is a law that states pickles must bounce Conscience-what hurts when everything else feels so good Conservative idea #1: Make it illegal and it will go away Congenital: Adjective synonymous to "friendly." Congress: You earn it, we spend it. Any questions? Congressional Anthem: "Mo' Money, Mo' Money, Mo' Money, MO!" Conserve gravity! Conserve the Constitution? Heck no! I'm a Conservative! Congratulations, you just destroyed the Enterprise - Riker Construct a grammatically correct death sentence Conservative elephants, Nixon was innocent! (And Nixon's *alive*, too!) Conservative: One who is opposed to the things he is in favor of. --Elbert Hubbard Congratulations! You have now used up another 250 hours Constants aren't; variables don't; moderators might; Conservative Rule #9: Can't refute the message? Attack the messenger Congresscritter's Whole Hog Sausage with 100 percent pure pork Constant tinkering buggers things up Consensus is the negation of leadership. - M. Thatcher Constipated people don't give a crap Conservative: One who's too cowardly to fight, too fat to run Conscious is when you are aware of something and conscience is when you wish you weren't Consider it a warning, Quark -- Odo Consider the Malevolent Universe Theory: it really IS out to get you! Confusticate and bebother these dwarves! Congratulations. You just invented the staircase. -- Forrester Conservatives believe what they see; liberals see what they believe Congressional elections 1994: Defeat of Clinton ultra-liberalism? Conservatives: Great at selling our national forests and parkland Congratulations! You're our TWIT list winner of the month Conservative: The mix of megalomania and stupidity Consistency is the hobgoblin of small minds Constant reorganization is the hallmark of a dynamic organization Contentment: enjoying the scenery along the detour Conscience is a mother-in-law whose visit never ends Construction workers have bigger erections! Congressman: Lies to reporters & then believes the media Consolation-guy is big! (Kramer) [End Tags] --------------------------------------------------- Message sent by SqTool version 12 --- SQtools * Origin: -GG/W18- ( 2:313/37.79)