--------------- FIDO MESSAGE AREA==> TOPIC: 248 QMODEM USER Ref: CDS00000 Date: 09/21/95 From: RUSS DERRY Time: 11:52pm \/To: BOB RICHARDS (Read 6 times) Subj: NEW INFORMATION ON PROBLE CR>BR>"No room for new char in buffer" I assume that char is character.? CR>BR>I don't know what this means, except for a literal reading, nor do I CR>BR>know how to fix it (make the buffer larger?). I'm hoping that you do, CR>BR>since you mentioned the Logging function!!! Bob don't mean to but in here but have ;you checked your buffer sitting in your Config.sys? Sugguestion-- If under 30 resit to 30 and save if 30 resit to 50 and save. Hope this will help, Good Luck. Russ --- * OLX 2.2 * --T-A+G-L-I+N-E--+M-E-A+S-U-R+I-N-G+--G-A+U-G-E-- --- QScan/PCB v1.18b / 01-0162 * Origin: Jackalope Junction 501-785-5381 Ft Smith AR (1:3822/1) --------------- FIDO MESSAGE AREA==> TOPIC: 248 QMODEM USER Ref: CDS00001 Date: 09/20/95 From: ANTHONY BAILEY Time: 11:35am \/To: CHARLIE ROVNER (Read 6 times) Subj: Re: Qmpro dos 1/2 Cnet, I actually think I have used that service before. It was before I ever was looking for the upgrade though. In case you didn't see it, someone sent me a message with Mustang's FTP site, and if you want to check it out, it is ftp.mustang.com. QUite a few things of interest there too, but it is usually pretty busy. And as far as Tucson, the weather is the only thing we have going for us out here. The gangs, water, and homelessness kinda put a damper on everything else, but at least we have microsoft coming to town. Oh yay. [sarcasm rules!] Perish --- WILDMAIL!/WC v4.12 * Origin: Partners For Peace (1:300/705.0) --------------- FIDO MESSAGE AREA==> TOPIC: 248 QMODEM USER Ref: CDS00002 Date: 09/21/95 From: MARK DEWAR Time: 08:16pm \/To: DAN MILLER (Read 6 times) Subj: Re: Carrier Detect thanks. i will give it a try mark dewar --- * Origin: The TOY SHOP-PC BBS *USR DS 28.8* (1:3601/8) --------------- FIDO MESSAGE AREA==> TOPIC: 248 QMODEM USER Ref: CDS00003 Date: 09/22/95 From: MATTHEW VIDAS Time: 08:54am \/To: ANTHONY BAILEY (Read 6 times) Subj: Re: Qmpro dos 1/2 -> ever was looking for the upgrade though. In case you didn't see it, -> someone sent me a message with Mustang's FTP site, and if you want to -> check it out, it is ftp.mustang.com. QUite a few things of interest Also i noticed when i used ftp.mustang.com, you can telnet into bbb.mustang.com and that works perfectly, you can get the files you need, plus more --- QScan/PCB v1.17b / 01-0556 * Origin: Digital Horizons * Rochester, NY * 716-475-0658 (1:2613/251) --------------- FIDO MESSAGE AREA==> TOPIC: 248 QMODEM USER Ref: CDS00004 Date: 09/22/95 From: GARY GOLDSTEIN Time: 08:12pm \/To: GLENN BUTTERFIELD (Read 6 times) Subj: Headers in OLX GG> Can anyone recommend a third party util which will place a header such GG> as the above one into my messages thru OLX. I don't think OLX has the GB> Try Bluewave for DOS. All it is done automatically, pulling GB> informationfrom the header to display a line like my "Quoting **** to GB> *** on ****" GB> line. I was thinking of it, but I really like OLX and I find it hard to justify spending another $35 just to get quote lines. Besides, someone suggested using the function keys to call in a small text file and that seems to work well enough. Maybe Mustang will incorporate this feature in a future version of OLX. Gary --- Alexi/Mail 2.02b (#10000) * Origin: The Spider's Web, USR / DS, Las Vegas (1:209/274) --------------- FIDO MESSAGE AREA==> TOPIC: 248 QMODEM USER Ref: CDU00000 Date: 09/22/95 From: RICK MCGAHAN Time: 09:01pm \/To: ALL (Read 6 times) Subj: Automated UL/DL I use QmPro 153 and I'm trying to put together a script to automate my system. I want the ability to call BBS' at specified times and UL/DL mail/files and weather info; etc. Has anyone already written such an animal and would be willing to help me get one going? Or, is there another add-on program that will allow me to do this? Any help is greatly appreciated. Thanks in advance Rick rick.mcgahan@tenforward.com --- * QMPro 1.53 * If at first you don't succeed... forget skydiving --- WILDMAIL!/WC v4.12 * Origin: Ten Forward BBS, The Olympic Peninsula. (1:350/401.0) --------------- FIDO MESSAGE AREA==> TOPIC: 248 QMODEM USER Ref: CDU00001 Date: 09/23/95 From: ROBERT ALLEN Time: 07:23am \/To: BOB RICHARDS (Read 6 times) Subj: Works for me BR-> I had comm.drv, when the problem first started. I went to the other one -> to try to solve it. There don't seem to be many high-speed comm drivers -> for Windows for Workgroups 3.11. BR-> How can I find out whether or not Windows has enabled the 16550A UART -> buffer that I have, Fred? I thought the UART did that itself? Does this only happen with Z-Modem, or have you tried using Y-Modem yet? Seems I read somewhere that you couldn't use Z-Modem without an error correcting modem. Don't recall what brand you said your modem is. ->Bob<- --- * QMPro 1.53 * ... Everyone hates me because I'm paranoid. --- WILDMAIL!/WC v4.12 * Origin: 49er BBs (1:147/52.0) --------------- FIDO MESSAGE AREA==> TOPIC: 248 QMODEM USER Ref: CDV00000 Date: 09/19/95 From: BOB ANGELHOW Time: 08:08am \/To: ALL (Read 6 times) Subj: Macro Keys I'm having trouble using the Macro keys. I can only display one key on the bottom buttons. If I want to use a button that is not displayed I have to go in and load that key, and when I do the other button blanks out. I'm sure that this is a simple problem but I followed both the manual and the help screens with no success. Any suggestions are appreciated. --- WILDMAIL!/WC v4.11 * Origin: MVPCUG Mohawk Valley Personal Computer Users (1:2609/506.0) --------------- FIDO MESSAGE AREA==> TOPIC: 248 QMODEM USER Ref: CDV00001 Date: 09/21/95 From: FRED HALL Time: 03:31pm \/To: HUGH BAKER (Read 6 times) Subj: Mustang Software In a message to FRED HALL, HUGH BAKER said: -> Mustang Software - 805-873-2500 -> -> Fred -- hallf@rl.af.mil -- powered by Win95 & Qmodem for Win95 HB>Isn't Mustang the creators of Wildcat BBS software as well? Of all I Yes they are. HB>have seen and used I like Wildcat the most. Also, can I access Mustang HB>on Compuserve? If you have WWW capability, it's http://www.mustang.com Fred -- hallf@rl.af.mil -- powered by Win95 & Qmodem for Win95 ... Reader not found..., please notify tagline. * Wave Rider 1.33 # 81 * --- GEcho 1.11+ * Origin: PowerLine OLS 315.865.4070 Marcy NY (1:2609/2) --------------- FIDO MESSAGE AREA==> TOPIC: 248 QMODEM USER Ref: CDV00002 Date: 09/21/95 From: FRED HALL Time: 03:31pm \/To: JOHN SIMONS (Read 6 times) Subj: MSI upgrades In a message to All , John Simons said: JS>Greetings... JS> Anyone out there know if MSI has any plans on upgraded QmodemPro fo JS>DOS from the current version 1.53?? It was written over a year ago and JS>I've seem nothing so far?? Any MSI folks out there know if there is a JS>update coming out soon?? I wouldn't hold my breath waiting for a DOS upgrade....the world has moved on John, Mustang probably won't even be upgrading their old Windows version, most efforts will be concentrated on the Win95 version. This is just my opinion though. Fred -- hallf@rl.af.mil -- powered by Win95 & Qmodem for Win95 ... Twisted mind? No, just bent in several strategic places * Wave Rider 1.33 # 81 * --- GEcho 1.11+ * Origin: PowerLine OLS 315.865.4070 Marcy NY (1:2609/2)